Sunday, June 14, 2009

Post-Op Day 6 - am update

Well, I am very happy to report that she seems better today!!

She is very ornery. And I mean very. But I think that's a good sign. She has been telling us when she wants to get suctioned (which is more like herself - bossy) and she wants to help push the meds into her g-tube. Luckily her nurse has been accommodating her desire to help and she's been letting her help whenever she can. So, that's all good.

She's also helping change her diaper by taking the old one off when necessary. While that's good I, of course, want more! She's not using her signs! But, I am not demanding that today. While I want the moon and stars, I understand that Rome wasn't built in a day, so I'm giving her a break. And I guess the way she's communicating today - anyone could understand!

They took her off the ventilating settings and put her back on CPAP for the day. They don't want to try getting her off until later on today, if at all. They said that they feel that she went even further backwards after the trach collar trial yesterday. So, they want to make sure she makes some progress before trying it again. They did say they wanted to try to wean her down from 60% oxygen today. So, we'll see how that goes.

She still has a fever. We won't know the results from the cultures until tomorrow. But, they have her on antibiotics now, so hopefully that will help.

She's been coughing a lot. Which is a great thing! I know it must hurt a little for her to cough - but I really think that will make a huge difference. So, maybe after she gets some of that goo out of her lungs, her sats will start to rise again. She's still hovering around 70 today.

So, all in all, a pretty good morning so far. She'll stay in the CICU again tonight. Hopefully tomorrow we'll get her off CPAP - for good!

Oh, I took a picture of the get well poster that Kim's daughter, Katie made. Katie just finished up Kindergarten. She drew Harlie's face and Kim said she took special care to make her eyes like Harlie's. I just love that little girl!!! Click on the picture to make it bigger so you can read it. The spelling. Oh so cute!

Thank you for the thoughts and prayers!


Sandy said...

So pleased to hear she is better. Hopefully she will continue to improve and be demanding (I can't think of anyone who has earned the right to be demanding more than Harlie, other than you Christy).

Kim said...

I'd been watching all morning for an update. So happy to hear she's doing better today! Who can blame her for being a bit testy...?!

Can't wait to hear that she's back to her norm!!

Janis @ SneakPeek said...

Glad she is feeling better! Austin like to "help" push meds too, a career in medicine perhaps? That card is so darling.

Tracy said...

So glad to hear that Harlie is doing better. It must be something about the age because Maggie seems to be awfully demanding lately too. LOL.

Christine said...

I only know you and Harlie from the blog, and as silly as it seems, I've been so worried. SO glad to hear that she is improving and becoming more like herself again! Thanks for keeping us all posted....I'm sure you'll never know the amount of people that read your blog and send prayers and good wishes in Harlie's direction....

Bonnie Horensky George said...

Continued prayers for Harlie and your family.

Medical Updates

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