Right as we were getting ready to leave, Murphy was playing with his friend, Cole (our neighbor) and he was dying to go and play at his house. So he and Cole came in to ask us if he could go over and I told him yes, but we had to say goodbye first. Without even blinking he yelled, "Bye!" and started to run out the door. Ahhh, don't you just feel the love? Of course we made him come back to give us proper hugs and kisses. I really hate saying goodbye to them. I know they will be just fine with their Grandma and Nana taking care of them. But still, I miss them.
Anyway, we took a few quick pics while Harlie got her breathing treatments...

We gave her a bath and then wiped her all over with this pre-surgical stuff. They say that it is supposed to help cut down on infection afterwards. We have to be there at 6am and they plan on taking her at 7:30am.
I thought I would be more emotional about this. But I think I've gone into preservation mode. I think not knowing exactly what will happen tomorrow helps a little, too. For all I know he will only do one surgery and we can go home in a week. So, maybe it's a good thing.
Well, I'm feeling a little loss for words, so I'm signing off. I will try very hard to update when I can.
Thank you so much for your support. We couldn't get through this without it.
Much love,
Christy and Tom
Wishing you guys all the best for an uneventful surgery!
Sending Harlie much love & you vibes for strength!!
Sending lots of hugs and prayers to help you get through the day.
Love the pictures. Our thoughts are with you!!
don't worry..all is well on the home front. Murphy went to school with nana and cooper slept well and ate a good breakfast.
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