Saturday, June 20, 2009

Good News!


I am so darn excited that when the nurse told me - I did a little jig. And I didn't even care how stupid I looked. Then, when the nurse practitioner came in to confirm it, I gave her a hug. I love these people. Seriously. There are so many people here that we've come to know over the last two and a half years and I love how they trust me and know that I'm a good mom to Harlie. That I'll take care of her and that if she deteriorates, I'll bring her back. The NP said that there are certainly those moms that just want to go home so bad, they don't do what's best for the child. Well, I've had enough ambulance and helicopter rides to know that I don't want to do something that isn't right for Harlie. That's for sure.

But, really, our only hurdle is weaning her oxygen requirements, and I've done that before at home. Many times. So, she's just waiting on the surgeon's approval (just a formality I think). And Tom's checking us out of the RMH. And then we'll be on the road!

After last night, I couldn't be happier that we get to get her home where she feels safe and secure. (More on that later.)

For now... YAY!!!


Donna said...

YEAH!!!! That is the BEST news! What a great Father's Day present! LOL!! You are the best mom, so glad it's obvious to more than just your friends. Travel safe - can't wait to see you!!

Josie said...

Fantastic!! What a trooper, so proud of how hard Miss Harlie fights. And what a great treat for Father's Day!

Kim said...

Hooray!!!! So happy to hear the great news!!

Rene said...

That is wonderful! I hope the O2 weaning goes well and she's back to her old self in no time at all! Have a safe trip HOME!!!!

Tracy said...

That's wonderful! Even though its tough to sit there in the hospital you have to do what is best and you always do. Horray for home though! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Glad you all made it home. We can't wait to catch up with you. Those Dr. have it right... you are a great Mom to Harlie. Marcy

Medical Updates

Hi! It has been a while since I've given a medical update. So, here goes... Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Update Here's a recap of h...