Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Surgery Update 2

Fabulous news!!! The leads worked great!! I am so relieved!! Dr. Jonas came out and said they were all pretty pessimistic that they would work. But they did! He said they got great numbers from them so all is well! They put the generator in her abdomen behind some muscle.

They are taking her to the CICU and I should be able to see her around 11:30 or so.

Thank you!


Heather said...

YAY! such great news! and quick work! thanks for the update. maybe this means you will be home very quick!!

Susan said...

Fantastic news! I'm doing the happy dance for you.

Rebecca Bennett said...

That is amazing. So glad to hear happy news. Still praying for a quick recovery.

Lisa B said...

Thank goodness. Hoping for a quick recovery.

kadiera said...

excellent news. Hoping recovery is just as smooth.

B-Mama said...

Praise God! This is what I've been praying for all morning--so glad it was the case!! woo hoo!!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

This is fantastic news! I hope you are in to see her soon and her recovery is smooth and easy.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for your wonderful news. I was thinking about her all day and I just emailed your mother-in-law to see how she was doing. Prayers and thoughts are with you from Pittsburgh.
Love Sue Minkus

Medical Updates

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