Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Surgery Update 1

They took her back at about 7:45 this morning. I just got the first update that the procedure started at 9:06. That's a long time to get her under and IVs and central lines started! Her access is getting so difficult.

Anyway, I heard the results from her CT scan. And its a good thing they did it. Her heart is right up against her sternum. So if they have to replace her leads they would have to put her on heart bypass before opening her chest. They would decompress her heart to pull it away from the sternum and then do the sternotomy. Crazy stuff. It would also be her 5th sternotomy in five years. I'm SO hoping that her leads work just fine.

My mom came up for the day. So we are just hanging out - waiting. I now have access to my blog - obviously - so will update you again when I know more.

Thank you all so much for thinking of us! Its so comforting to know you all care about us!

Much love,


Tanya said...

How nice that your mom is with you today. It's a nice parallel - you waiting for Harlie, your mom waiting with you. We never outgrow needing our moms.

Heather said...

wow Christy- just when you think you've heard it all. . . glad to hear you aren't alone today. sending some prayers your way that there is no chest cracking today!

AnnLeith Kvedaras said...

I, too, am so glad your mother is with you. Our thoughts, prayers and love are with you and yours today.

Anonymous said...

I hear so much about this little girl. I couldn't help but to send thoughts & Prayers to the whole family. May GOD bless you guys everyday.
Brett Schrecengost (works will Cal)

Medical Updates

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