Saturday, March 3, 2012


It really seems like a waste to have to buy snow gear for fast growing children when it only snows once or twice a year.  So, I didn't buy boots for Cooper.  Okay fine, I never even thought about buying boots for Cooper.  And if it weren't for my friend Jennifer, my kids would have nothing to wear in the snow.  She gives me all her kids hand-me-downs or buys them stuff when it's really cheap and off season.  Me?  I walk right by those racks.  I'm easily distracted by shiny things and bright colors.

Anyway, there was no way Cooper wasn't going out in the snow.  I searched everywhere for boots he could wear.  And the only thing we had was Harlie's boots.  Yes, they wear the same size.  And yes, the boots are pink.  He pitched a holy fit about putting them on.  But, it was either pink or stay inside.  He chose pink.  I think he thought it was worth the sacrifice.

Nice boots, Cooper!
Hurry!  Take a picture of the snowman before he melts!

Harlie doesn't do snow.  She watched Murphy build this snowman from the kitchen window.  She was not a fan of his hat.  After the boys came in, she actually put her boots on (still warm since they were pulling double-duty) tried her best not to touch anything, and switched his hat.  Then she walked right inside and that was that.  

The next morning (or maybe it was the morning after that?)  she got up out of bed and went straight to her bedroom window.  There was no more snow.  It had all melted.  And she was heartbroken.  She cried for a while - way longer than she usually does.  And it was a sad cry.  Aw, she's like me!  She loves how it looks from inside a warm and cozy home.  But she doesn't want to go rolling around in it.  

More later!  


Susan said...

Ahhh. I love the look of snow too. We got a dusting last week and that is unusual around here this time of year. Hope you've had a nice weekend and everyone's feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Catching up on all that is going on with the family. Hope we can get together soon. Love you all !! Marcy

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