Monday, March 12, 2012

Night One

I have to try to be very quick with this update because:

1.     I have no power cord to my laptop (left it at home dammit!)
2.     It is now after 2am and I must try to get some sleep.  It’s been a busy night.

First things first…

We put a deposit down on a Pug puppy today!  Well, at least I think we did.  That was Tom’s job after I left last night to come to DC.  Either way, we found a puppy and he will soon be mine! ours!  YAY!!!  We still have the name thing to conquer, but I’m going to put off any official naming until after we have him and he gets to run around a bit so we can see if his name just comes to me us. 

I can’t tell you how excited I am about going to Petsmart to buy all of his much needed supplies!  This is exactly how I felt when I was pregnant with Murphy!  But even though I am so super excited, I am also super scared.  I know this little guy is going to take a lot of my time and energy and that’s a little daunting to think about considering my current amount of free time and extra energy.  I hope that I made the right decision in the breed and pushing this addition at this time in our lives.  

Anyway, pictures to come.

Okay, on to more serious news…

Harlie and I left for DC last night.  I had a hard time getting out of there.  I kept leaving stuff behind and I felt pretty disorganized, even though I had all our stuff pretty organized.  I know, it’s weird.  And I so hate saying good-bye to the boys.  When we told Murphy what was happening, he said he was scared.  Ugh.

Anyway, traffic was surprisingly heavy for the trip up (we didn’t get on the road until after 7pm).  But we finally arrived at 9:30pm or so.  I bought Harlie her own rolling luggage today at Target and she LOVES it!  It made her so excited to take a trip.  The first thing she did was sign “airplane.”  I meant to take a picture of her rolling her own suitcase, but my hands were full with my suitcase and the packed cart.  I’m glad we came so late so that not that many people saw us actually moving in.  One ER employee came over to help me and rolled the cart for me all the way to our room (on another floor).  She was very nice. 

This trip marks the first time that Harlie walked from the car to her room – and did not use the stroller.  Wow!  She IS getting big!  When we got to the HKU and passed the nurses station they all got such a kick out of her strutting down the hallway.  One of the nurses we’ve known for years.  In fact, we first met her before Harlie turned one.  It is so nice to see the nurses get a kick out of her and all of her progress. 

Harlie was fine about the whole thing until the nurse had to put the monitor leads on her chest.  Have I mentioned that she hates stickers?  Soon after that, they came to start an IV.  That was a nightmare, as usual.  He had to go get reinforcements.  And so it took four of us to get that done.  After that, she wanted to go to sleep.  She fell asleep quickly, but then was woken up again for vitals. 

My heart aches for her. 

There’s a mom I met through here who has a child with heart issues and her daughter is here now.  Her mom came up to see us and we got to chat for a while, which was really nice.

Well, that’s about it for now.  I have no idea what our schedule will be like tomorrow.   I can’t actually access my blog from here.  So, I’m e-mailing my post to Tom to post for me.   Hopefully I can get the access thing cleared up tomorrow.

That’s it.  Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers! 


B-Mama said...

Thinking of you all. Praying for today! God bless.

Ann said...

I'll be thinking of you and Harlie today. Hope things go well.


Lindsay said...

Thinking of you guys!

Bonnie (Horensky) George said...

Prayers for all of you

Anonymous said...

Just checking in on you all. We are thinking about you and LOVED seeing you this weekend. XOXO Marcy

kadiera said...

Good luck!

Susan said...

My thoughts are with you.Hope things go smoothly.

Medical Updates

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