Thursday, May 5, 2011

A scared little girl.

 Here she is hiding under the covers.  Her left arm has an IV, and she's got it tucked under the blanket.

Can you see how sweaty she is?  And she's still under the sheet!

Okay, I'm going to go and get something to eat.



Tanya said...

That just breaks my heart :-(

Lindsay said...

Hugs to both of you strong ladies. Thinking of you!

Ann said...

Ugh! I hope getting someone from ST who can use Harlie's device will give her the opportunity to open up some.


Veronica said...

Poor little sweetie!! Praying for her healing and COMFORT.

Anonymous said...

Sending you and little Harlie some hugs and love. Marcy

Anonymous said...

She is an amazing little girl. I don't think I could put up with them poking me and prodding me. I am sure that had to be so itchy for her. Hugs, Hugs, and more hugs to all. Keeping all of you in our prayers. Love Ron and Sue

Rebecca said...

Thinking of you and Harlie. Hope you guys come home soon.

Amanda Duke said...

She is such a brave little girl. I stumbled upon your blog awhile back when I was looking up stuff on VACTERL. I just keep coming back to see your sweet girl and the strength she has! I hope she gets to go home soon! Good luck.

Susan said...

I can only imagine what she must be thinking and feeling. :( I keep looking for an update. Hope no news is good news. Hugs.

Sue Mitchell said...

I've been out of the country for the last week and away from a computer. Had to get caught up on your blog (haven't even checked my emails yet!) Looks like you and Harlie have had quite a week! Hope you get to come home soon. Happy Mother's Day to the strongest mom I know.

Medical Updates

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