Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Almost there

Hopefully I've had my last dinner in this place for a while.  A long while, preferably.  

When the docs rounded this morning they put her as a priority discharge for tomorrow morning.  Our night nurse is going to give her some pain meds at 5:30am and then sometime around 6am one of the ortho surgeons is going to change her dressing.  Then we are free to go!  Well, assuming it's healing nicely and looks good.  They've already written her prescriptions and the discharge nurse has already faxed all orders to wherever they're supposed to go (home nursing company, medical supply company, medicaid case worker, etc.).  And they've already briefed me on taking care of her incision and brace.  

We are all ready!

She asked for the VECTA today (a distraction machine that is supposed to reduce the amount of pain meds used due to its calming effect).  Although she wasn't looking for something to calm her down.  She was looking for something to play with.  There are buttons for the patient to press that changes the color.  

And I got her a balloon today.  She loves balloons, and I thought this one was pretty darn cute.

She's actually playing and having fun!  And she didn't have any pain or anxiety meds today.  I just can't wait till she realizes that she's going HOME!!!!

I am so ready to get my little girl back!  I know she has to feel so much better.  I tried to get her to stand today - but she did not want to.  I wasn't going to push her.  I was just trying to see if I could move her brace down - so I could see if it is shifting when she lays down.  But, she would not hold her own weight.  I'm sure we'll be able to get her to walk when we get home.  She might need to use the walker for a bit.  

Those leads are giving us a fit again.  I don't know why they act up more at night than during the day.  I guess it's just my good fortune.  But, unfortunately, tonight's nurse says, "Mom, she won't let me touch her" which means I'm going to have to get up every single time to fix it.  Of course, she doesn't let me touch her, either.  You just have to have a take charge attitude and not give her a choice in the matter.  I'm about ready to tell them we don't need to see her respirations at this point anyway.  Heart rate and oxygen saturations are just fine.  Oh, I just want to be gone from this place!

Well, must get some sleep now.  Tomorrow's a new day!  


Donna said...

So, so glad you are coming home tomorrow...Happy Birthday to Murphy!

Ann said...

Just keep swimming ... just keep swimming ....

Sarah Gunn said...

Awesome news! She does look so much happier in that last picture. We're here and availabe until June 10th, and I want as many distractions as possible, so let me know if you want some company! Travel safely.

Grandma said...

Just in time for Murphy's Big Day. He will be so happy to have his mama and sister home. Ley's pray all goes well with the dressing change.

Heather said...

it's homecoming day! YAY! hopefully by now you are loading up the car and hitting 395! drive safe friend adn we'll see you soon! xxoo

Susan said...

Vecta, that's a new one on me. It's GREAT to see Harlie smiling! Going home is going to be great. I bet she'll be beaming!

Medical Updates

Hi! It has been a while since I've given a medical update. So, here goes... Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Update Here's a recap of h...