Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Murphy!

It is so hard to believe that this little five-pound baby...

is SEVEN years old today!

Here are a few pics from years past...

Murphy has always been an easy kid.  He is such a sweet guy.  And he's become a great - and patient - big brother.

I remember how badly I wanted a baby.  And he didn't happen easily.  It took 12 long months! And I felt like the luckiest person in the world beginning with the first second of his pregnancy.  And I still feel like that today.   I entered a new kind of happy when he entered our lives.  We are so, so blessed!

And - as a side note - Harlie's dressing's been changed, all's well, and we get to go HOME!  YAY!

Happy Birthday Murphy!  We love you so much!


Anonymous said...

VERY VERY sweet Christy!! It brought a tear to my eye. I am so glad you are going home today. Marcy

B-Mama said...

I am tearing up too. What a dear boy that Murphy is! I gave him a hug the other day at school pick-up just because he's so lovable! Happy 7 years to him and you and Tom as parents! :) Can't wait to see you all later...

Unknown said...

Hope by the time you read this you are home and celebrating with Murphy! He is too adorable for words! You and Harlie home again will be his best birthday present! Libby Whidden

Brittany said...

I just love these pictures of Murphy (that photo of him resting his sweet little preschooler face in his hands is beyond adorable) and your turn of phrase about entering a new kind of happy when he entered your life. Happy birthday, Murphy! And yay for you and Harlie coming home!

Susan said...

Happy Birthday Murphy!!! Christy I'm glad you got to go home!!!

Medical Updates

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