Monday, May 9, 2011


Another successful surgery over.  Hopefully that one will be the last for a little while, at least.

Her surgeon said that the wound looked clean - they washed it one last time and moved some muscle around, loosened up her skin (so there wouldn't be so much tension) and closed her up with stitches.  Unfortunately, she couldn't use dissolvable stitches this time, so her scar just got uglier.  But, since it's on her back she won't have to see it, so that's good.

She's now wearing her brace and it is so much better than the cast.  Much more low-profile, which is a very welcome change!

I hope she finds it comfortable because she's going to be wearing it a while.  Like a bare minimum of THREE months!  For 23 hours per day!  Ugh.

Here's how it opens up...

I tried to get a picture of the dressing, but she was not being cooperative.  But you still might be able to see how long it looks.

This is what she looked like when she came out of the OR...

Totally hiding from the world.  Can't say I blame her, either.  This stay's going to be a hard one to get over.  Too much in too short of a time span.  If the girl wanted anything I'd get it for her.  Maybe it's a good thing she doesn't ever ask for anything.

It kinda cracks me up how they cut a gown for her g-tube.  I don't know why.  Every single onesie she's had in her life had a hole in it.  Guess we'll have to go back to holes in her shirts for a while.  I'll just get some plain, inexpensive tank tops to go under the brace.

Taking her back down to the OR this morning was not easy.  She is tired of all this and her pleading eyes told me so.  I wish so much that I could save her - rescue her from one of these situations one day.  Instead I just stand there and watch them take her.  I signed I love you and she looked away and didn't sign it back.  Oh, how that hurt!  But, afterwards, in recovery, I signed it again, and she signed it back.  She lives a complicated life with complicated feelings.  It's no wonder she doesn't act like a normal 4-year old little girl.

She is now on pain meds.  On a schedule today, and then as needed starting tomorrow.  And I asked for something to help her anxiety.  So they put her on Ativan.  I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner.  After her spinal fusion surgery they automatically put her on Valium.

Oh - and her surgeon wants to do a dressing change on Wednesday - then we can take her home.  I'm glad to finally be able to think about it - but disappointed we have to wait till Wednesday.  I really wanted to be home for Murphy's birthday.  But my social worker is going to work to get everything done ahead of time, so that when the surgeon does the dressing change, we'll be ready to go.

Then we see her surgeon again in two weeks.  And I'm sure a bunch after that.

Well, that's it for now.  Thanks for all your love and support!


Heather said...

I'm glad she's out and recovering and that the big pink cast is gone. hopefully this one is a little lighter. I wish I could take some of the stress and heartache off you for a bit. only 2 more days. I'll have a fresh stress reliever waiting for you!

Tanya said...

M had to wear tank tops with no seams (almost 7 years of night-time bracing for her). If Harlie needs those, 'regular' ones do exist but it took me a lot of looking. I can't remember the brand, only that they were in the boys department. They worked well (were plenty long). There are expensive silver brace shirts but Meaghan always complained that they were too hot. I've saved all but the smallest of those and have 2 that won't fit her anymore. If you'd like me to pop them in the mail for to you, I will. (msg me over on FB)

I hope that a brace for post-surgery is easier to get used to (not as tight or as 'pushy') than a scoli brace. Bummer on the 23 hours a day though. That'll be rough in the heat :-(

Tracy said...

Poor Harley. I would hide away too. Glad she did well and the cast is off. Maybe try getting something like a cooling vest. Silver Eagle Outfitters makes them for little ones. That might keep her cool this summer.

B-Mama said...

The countdown is on! 2 to go!! The brace looks SO much better and will hopefully allow her a little more freedom with walking, etc. Hang in there and glad you're in the home stretch!

Lindsay said...

Hoping she feels a ton better in the brace! Have been thinking of you guys a ton and looking forward to seeing you later this week!

Jennifer said...

You save her everyday she just does not realize it yet. Just think she could have me for a Mom ... a lot of good I would do her in the crazy house.

Michelle said...

Glad to hear that things are going well and that you will be home soon...the brace will be better than the cast for so many reasons; glad to see the pink cast gone and may it never return :)

Ann said...

That brace looks SO much better! One more day and hopefully you won't see the inside of a hospital for a very long time. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

So glad she is in the brace now and that the surgeries should be over for now. I know you are so looking forward to getting home. Like I said on Mother's Day you are one of the best Moms I know. Marcy

Susan said...

Tank tops are a great idea! The brace looks like it will be better. It's great that it doesn't go around the leg!!!! I was a bit worried it might. Hopefully she'll be much more mobile and positionable now, even though the brace is still a big pain! I'm so excited for you that you'll be getting out of there. I bet if you ask they can get you out of there pretty early so you can get home for Murphy's birthday. Maybe they can do the dressing change at rounds and the nurse can prep the discharge paperwork so it's ready to go before. Make sure to ask to get any prescriptions ready early. Hang in there, it's almost over! Hug Harlie for us.

Medical Updates

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