Monday, July 13, 2009


On Saturday night, my friend Jennifer was having a cookout. She had written it in my calendar a few weeks ago. And a couple of weeks before the cookout, Brandy offered to work a Saturday night (the same one as the cookout). I said, "wow, thanks, that works out great because that's Jennifer's cookout." I arranged for a sitter for the boys. Well, a few days before the cookout my neighbor (Cami) asked me if one of my nieces could watch her kids because her and her husband wanted to go out. I told her I'd get someone for her. Then my friend Donna told me that her and her husband had gotten a sitter and were going to go out and we should call them when we left Jennifer's. Then my friend Heather called and asked if we wanted to go out with her and her husband, but I had to tell her we had plans. I said that I wished we could all go out together since everyone had gotten sitters! What a coincidence!

So, Tom and I leave to go to Jennifer's cookout. We pull in front of her house and there were no other cars. Tom said that it looked like we were the first ones there. We walked around to her backyard and when I looked up - there was EVERYONE!!! It was a surprise birthday party - for me! My birthday is on Christmas day, so Jennifer decided that I should have a summer, surprise half birthday party. It was so much fun! Although I have to admit that I feel a little silly that she - and all my friends - went to all the trouble to do that! I don't think "silly" is the right word, but I can't think of a better fitting one right now. All my friends and family already do so much for me! And I know that no matter what, they will never know how appreciative I really am.

Here are some pictures from the night. Although I'm mad because I didn't get a picture of everyone there. I should have asked my friend Alisha to take over photo duty. She does a much better job.

Lindsay, Jennifer, Me, Heather, Marcy and Donna

The cake, which was beautiful (the picture doesn't do it justice)

Tom and I

Donna, Jennifer, Me and Brandy

Nancy, Me and Bruce (my brother and his wife)

Me and Jennifer


Me and Donna

Heather and Marcy

Donna and Aaron

I really am so incredibly lucky - in so many ways. I couldn't ask for a better group of friends to love and care about me and my family. Thank you Jennifer and Jeff, Heather and Neal, Mike and Marcy, Donna and Aaron, Todd and Lindsay, Cami and MIke, Alisha and Casey, Bill and Meredith, Bruce and Nancy, my Mom, and Brandy!!!


PS - My Dad got to go home today! I know he and my Mom are so happy. Hospital stays are long and very tiring for all involved. He'll recover so much quicker in his own space with no vital checks every several hours. And now he gets to eat again! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers for him!


Donna said...

Glad to hear your Dad is home!!!!!
And your party was a blast - I'm glad you had a good time - I can't think of anyone more deserving of a party! :)

Heather said...

what a great night it was and a perfect excuse to have a party. you forget how much you do for all of us too! you are a great friend and I am very lucky! glad to hear your dad is home. . I hope his recovery is speedy.

Janis @ SneakPeek said...

Happy Un-Birthday Christy!!! Sounds like a great time!!!

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