Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Eating corn

Last night we were eating dinner (which included corn on the cob) and Harlie signed "down." So I let her get down. She came back a few minutes later and put a fake ear of corn on the table and then wanted back up in her seat to join the rest of us. Eating our corn.

Sometimes I wonder what goes through her mind. And I am so appreciative of the moments that she makes her thoughts so clear to me. She saw us eating our corn. Remembered that she has a piece of fake corn. Asks to get down so she can go and get it. Goes to the fake food bin in the playroom and finds it. Brings it back to the table so she can be just like us. Eating corn. Funny. And sad. At the exact same time. Oh, how I wish she could eat by mouth...


Grandma said...

So cute, but yes sad too. But that smile thar she brought to your face was priceless! We are so blessed to have such a spirited, smart and loving child as Harlie. By the way...did you not have any corn? Where is your picture?

Anonymous said...

So darn cute! That girl is amazing and one smart cookie!

Anonymous said...

For the record, Christy did not like the photo(s) I took of her eating corn, so apparently she decided not to post them. I think a hair was out of place or something...haha.

Donna said...

That is so cute!! Such a good sign though that's she's interested in eating like everyone else - she's going to soar when she starts back in feeding therapy!

LJR said...

That is the cutiest thing I have ever heard/seen. Harlie sure is a little smartie.

Susan said...

I can imagine that would make you sad. But I think it's quite clever of her. It shows how well she adapts and shows that she wants to participate. When her body is ready she will join in and eat. Even if starts by just licking the butter off her own ear of corn.

Christine DelGuzzi said...

I don't find it sad at all - I find it wonderful that she's able to express her thoughts, her wanting to be a part of the family, and definitely her creativity for finding solutions that overcome her limitations. What an amazing little girl...

Janis @ SneakPeek said...

I think Susan is right, she has gotta start somewhere. But I totally understand why this is a bittersweet moment for you. I like the pics.

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