Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Murphy's Swimming Lessons - Video

Back in July we signed Murphy up for swimming lessons with the Morgan Swim School. Last summer he had his first lessons ever with them. And somehow, he got the same instructor again this summer. We were very pleased. Murphy really liked her and I think she's great (Camille). Last year he had to overcome a lot of fear, which took a while. This year, he walked right in, saw Camille, and got right in the water with no hesitation. It was great!

Well, he now loves swimming! He told me the other day that it is his most favorite thing to do. Tom was a swimmer as a kid (I was not) so maybe he'll take after him. He ended up loving it so much that we signed him up for another session. And you wouldn't believe this, but we got Camille again! I don't know if they did that on purpose or if it was just a major coincidence, but either way, we were thrilled.

The Morgan Swim School also specializes in kids with special needs, so I am really hoping that one of these summers I can video Harlie in the pool.

Anyway, here's a video I put together of him learning how to swim. We are so darn proud of him. And we are so happy that he loved it and now loves to swim. Thank you Camille and Morgan Swim School!


Sue Mitchell said...

Loved the video! The next Michael Phelps in the making!

Janis said...

CLEARLY swimming is his thing!! So cute.

Grandma said...

OK Tom, Is there an Aqua Club in Virginia? Wow...Murphy has found his sport! Look at him go...and with speed! I willl buy his his first pair of speedod and goggles. Olympics are just around the corner.

Cami Deavers Ratliff said...

Wow!!! Go Murphy:)

Christy, when you can squeeze it in, you may need to add movie making as your next career.

Anonymous said...

That has got to be the cutest video ever! Yeah Murphy!

Medical Updates

Hi! It has been a while since I've given a medical update. So, here goes... Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Update Here's a recap of h...