Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Technical Difficulties

Sorry for not posting in a few days. I have so much to write about - and new videos and photos to post! But, I have been very busy trying to update my blog look. I found a blog template that I love, but trying to get it to work has been, well, work! And since I'm learning new lingo as I go, well, it's taking a considerable amount of time.

I might just have to scrap the idea until I have more time. But then I think that will never happen. But that's why I wanted to go to a blog in the first place - so I could change the look and functions of my blog! Ugh.

Maybe tomorrow...


Ann said...

This whole blogging thing is a major time suck. But, so worth it. I really enjoy coming over to your blog to see how everyone is doing. So just know that all the time and effort you put into it is very much appreciated! Can't wait to see the new look. (btw, after 2+ years, I just paid someone to do a blog makeover for me :-)

Janis@SneakPeek said...

I know the feeling. I have a tech glitch that I have tried to solve for 2 days now...argh!!!!!!!

Susan said...

I've been wanting to change Ainsley's blog too but haven't gotten to it. Regardless of what look you go with I love checking in on Harlie's blog and am so glad you do it. Good luck solving your technical difficulties.

Medical Updates

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