Saturday, May 16, 2015

Power Kids Triathlon

Today Murphy did his first sprint triathlon!  A few days ago, we asked Murphy if he would like to do it.  He said, "No, thanks!"  But, then I looked at the website and said, "Oh, I didn't know it was for the Children's Hospital at VCU."  And then he said, "Oh, then I'll do it."  Love him!

Here he is waiting to go into the pool.

Abigail, Brittany and Murphy.

Brittany ran our We Heart Harlie & Friends 5k last weekend.  Brittany is such a giving person.  She has delivered flowers  and chocolate to my door before.  So thankful for kind hearts like hers.

100 meter swim done.  Heading to get his bike.

In transition.  My friend Sally (in the blue shirt) is helping Murphy.

Headed for the 4 mile bike ride...

The bike was three loops.  This is me telling Murphy he has one more to go.

Unfortunately, he didn't listen to me. When he passed me and got to the u-turn area, he said they told him to go straight instead of to u-turn. Frustrating. And by that I mean that Murphy didn't listen to me.  Sometimes that kid drives me crazy.  But, now he'll know for next time (and he already said he wants to do another one!).

Off to finish with the one mile run...

All done! His time was 34 minutes.  But, you need to add eight minutes for the loop on the bike that he didn't do.  Regardless, he had fun doing it, and we are thrilled about that.

And he was thrilled to celebrate with Kona Ice with his friend Garrett.

Great job, boys!

Tomorrow is the adult tri, and we are relaying it with Harlie in tow.  Our friend Kyle Yocum is swimming 300 meters and he's going to pull her in a little boat.  Then Tom is going to do the bike leg (45 miles) with her in a bike trailer.  And then I am going to do the run portion (5k) while pushing her.  Beth from United Athletics was kind enough to loan us all the equipment we need to do this.  I am excited to see how the stroller feels since I hate mine (it is so hard to steer).

Harlie is so excited.  As soon as she saw the boat and the life vest, she had to try it out.

I can't wait to see how she does tomorrow.  I think she is going to love riding in the boat in the pool!  Our start time is 6:40am, so I need to get to bed.

But, one last thing, tomorrow afternoon Harlie and I will drive up to Children's National Medical Center in DC for her SLEEP STUDY!  We are SO close!  And every time I think about it, it feels hard to breathe.  Please send good, positive vibes that the sleep study goes well and that she can sleep through the night while wearing that cap.

I will try to post again from there tomorrow night.

Much love,
Christy xo

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