Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Post-Op Day 6

Whoa!  Look who's feeling better!!

She smiled twice this morning - and I got one of them on camera!!!  Woohoo!  And she's even changing the channels on her TV.

For the first time in almost a week - she can be focused on something outside of herself and her breathing.  I would say we are on the up and up!

Her night nurse said she had a "fantastic" night.  She slept well.  And they took her off the BiPAP and put her on CPAP to see how she would do with a little less breathing support.  And so far, so good.  

They rounded on her this morning and they are going to leave her on CPAP for at least another day or so. Her x-rays look better on the left - but her right lung still shows a large infection (or lung collapse).  The blood work shows that the antibiotics are working, because her WBC is way down from where it was two days ago.  Based on her cultures, they are changing her antibiotics again.  I can't remember what she's on now. 

Yesterday, her surgeon came by to see her.  On her way out the door she said, "Oh, yeah, and if you hear a pop when you turn her screws, don't panic.  That's normal."  Ew.  But, I'm glad she told me because you can bet your butt that if I heard a popping sound when I turned her screws I would FREAK.  So, maybe now I'll just be SUPER grossed out.  

I really liked how I was able to turn the screws all at once yesterday and not have the task hanging over my head all day.  So, I thought I would try that again.  But, I could only turn them twice.  I just couldn't make myself turn it one more time.  I wish I could ask her which hurts more - turning it once, three times a day, or turning it three times, once a day?  I guess I'm going to have to play with pain meds and turning.

Anyway, she has been a lot more awake today.  Which is a definite improvement.  But, she is still working pretty hard to breathe - even on CPAP.  And her lungs still sound horrible.  They are definitely not rushing her out of the CICU.  I asked her nurse today (who is awesome, by the way) and she said if she were to make a guess as to how things are going to go - she would say she'll stay in the CICU for another few days, and maybe be ready to go home by mid-week next week.  Oh boy.  

Trust me, I am NOT complaining!  Last night, after we left the hospital, Maggie and went to find some dinner.  We walked back toward the hotel and tried a sushi restaurant one of our nurses recommended.  We ordered a glass of wine and celebrated how different things were from the previous 24 hours.  I would rather hang out here for as long as it takes with Harlie improving versus going through another second like Sunday night.  But this does mean we have to think about some logistics.  But it's so hard to plan when you're working around her getting better.  Especially when she still needs the breathing support.  

Earlier today she had to come off the CPAP for a few seconds, and she turned grey.  As soon as her nurse hooked her back up, the color returned to her face.  So, while she IS improving, she still has a ways to go before we can leave the CICU.  

At some point, Maggie has to go home.  I guess we'll send her home Thursday or Friday.  And Tom's mom will bring the boys home on Friday.  It looks like Murphy will get in two practices before the last swim meet on Monday.  

For some reason I've had a really hard time writing today.  It's taken me all day to write this.  I think I'm getting a bit tired.  It's just kind of draining to spend all day, every day in the hospital.  And I haven't felt great the past few days.  I think I'm feeling run down.  Tomorrow Maggie is going to come to the hospital so I can go and do the laundry.  Hopefully that time out will be rejuvenating.

Oh, and we just ordered more We Heart Harlie t-shirts.  So, if you ordered off the blog, you should be getting your shirt in about three weeks.  

We are about to meet the night nurse, so I have to go.  Thank you for all your continued thoughts and prayers!  I am still feeling the love! 

Much love back,
Christy xo


Terry McCabe Judge said...


You don't know me but I met Tom through Allison Schmitt last year b/c we are thinking about a kitchen remodel. I see your posts on Facebook about Harlie b/c of Allison. I just want you to know that we are praying for you guys every night. I think about Harlie and your family often and am truly amazed and inspired by you. I wish you all the best, and please know that you are in my prayers.


Terry Judge, Midlothian, VA

Susan said...

I was so relieved to read that Harlie is smiling again. That it the true "tell" of when they are on the way to recovery. Hope you get out of there soon. XOXO

Medical Updates

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