Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Highlights from recent...

Wednesday, June 12

I took Harlie to school since Terri had the day off.

I had a cart with wheels full with the suction machine, my bag, Harlie's lunch box (if only it had a normal lunch in it!) and her backpack.  Then I carried her oxygen tank.  Our whole morning is upended when I have to leave with her shortly after 7am.  By the time I got her to school and unloaded everything, I was already exhausted.  And I wasn't the one on oxygen.  Sometimes I wonder if I push her too hard.  I definitely looked at the cart and then her and thought, "What am I doing to her?"  Yet, as you can see in the picture, she's still happy.  I don't get it.  But I am grateful for her ability to find happiness in the little things, despite the big things that suck.  That's my girl!

Thursday, June 13

Cooper finished swim lessons at Aqua Tots.

No, he cannot swim independently - yet.  But he had so much fun trying.  Every time his head came out of the water, he was smiling.

Friday, June 14

The last day of school for the kids.  Murphy was very sad to say good-bye to his third grade teacher, Mrs. York.  She is so wonderful.  She was Teacher of the Year this year and it was so deserved.  Murphy was especially sad because Mrs. York is moving to a different school due to redistricting.  Mrs. York, we will miss you!

And Harlie had a fun last day.  Here is a picture of her and one of her favorite friends on the last day of school.  Just get a look at that smile on her!

This kid is so good to her!  He gave her his piggy bank at the We Heart Harlie event, and his dad told me that he insisted on going to her event vs. a birthday party he was invited to.  Love his priorities!  And he brought her roses on the last day of school!  Love him!

Yes, she was still on oxygen on and off that day.  But, she's off now!  Tonight will be the second night without it.  Woohoo!

Saturday, June 15

It had been 10 days since I last ran.  You might remember that I pulled a muscle in my back during our trip to DC.  I get so cranky when I don't run for that long.  I need my stress outlets - NEED them - and if I can't blog, or run, I definitely feel "off" and more easily sad.  Nine days after pulling that muscle, I grew impatient and tried to run.  Big mistake.  BIG.  Mistake.  I didn't get very far (like a quarter of a mile) and had to walk home.  So, that put me back a ways in my recovery.  And I am now paying the price.  It hurts to do anything.  So, now I'm even MORE crabby than I was before!

Monday, June 17

Cooper broke our iPad.

This sucks really bad since we are just TWO weeks away from Boston.  And there is NO way I am going to an airport, getting on a plane, spending all day in the hospital for pre-op stuff, then spending the following x amount of days in the hospital - with Harlie and NO iPad.  Which means we have to replace/repair it.  Clearly, we will invest in a cover that cannot be removed easily by the children Cooper.  And I will have to adjust some media rules around here.  Of course adjusting the rules isn't the hard part.  It's the enforcing them.

Later that night we had Murphy's second swim meet.  God bless that little guy - swimming does not come easily to him.  Last week he came in dead last in 50 freestyle.  Since he just turned nine, he moved up into the next age bracket and now he has to swim 50 meters.  After he got out of the water he asked, "Mom, what place did I come in?"  Um, considering no one was in the water, that would be last, son.  He was unfazed.

This week he swam in two events - 50 freestyle and 50 breaststroke.  His freestyle was way better than last week's.  And when he walked up to me fresh out of the water, he said proudly, "Mom, I beat one person!"  Now that's progress!

He did great with his breaststroke, except he touched the wall at the turn with only one hand, so that disqualified him.  But, if it weren't for that he would have finished in the middle of that heat.  If he could just get the diving thing down pat, he'd be way better off.

Tuesday, June 18

Harlie had her second CT scan in just under one month.  I hope it was worth the radiation exposure!  I don't know when I'll get the results.  Hopefully soon.

She was such a champ.  She walked right in and knew exactly what to do.  She told Terri to take off her hearing aids (because that's what she had to do last time).  The only thing she couldn't do was hold her breath.  They wanted her to do that for part of the scan.  But, she doesn't know how to do that.  So, that didn't happen.  Hopefully we will still get some good info.

Okay, those are the highlights for now.


B-Mama said...

Rockstar mama! Keep up the amazing work--you are checking boxes for everyone and keeping your chin up so well. I am saying big prayers for your back!!! Hang in there!

Susan said...

Hang in there Christy. Living with pain really makes things harder. I hope you can squeeze in some fun(for you especially and also maybe find a way to recharge some) before Harlie's surgery. XOXO.

Medical Updates

Hi! It has been a while since I've given a medical update. So, here goes... Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Update Here's a recap of h...