Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm back!

And I didn't even go anywhere.  How sad.  I've just been too busy to blog.  And I haven't been in the blogging mood lately, to boot.  Weird.  

Well, tomorrow is our LAST appointment with the infectious disease docs at the children's hospital in Norfolk.  YAY!!!  She has now been on antibiotics for over FOUR months - and she still has three weeks to go!  That will mean she will have completed five month's treatment out of a recommended treatment time of four to six months.  

For this appointment, it will be a family affair.  Me, Brandy and the three kids.  Should be interesting.  Even though it doesn't fit in with my goal of trying to cram in as much fun as I can afford (time and money-wise) into the next three weeks.  

Yes, we only have three more weeks until Harlie's heart surgery.  She will be recovering for at least two weeks in the hospital (which will put us into August).  And sometime in August she will start the intensive feeding program, which is Monday through Friday, for six to eight weeks (which will put us into September or October).  So, for her, the next three weeks IS her summer.  And mine, really.  Oh, how sad.   

Well, in keeping with the "fun" theme, today I took Harlie to The Little Gym for a class.  They let us try it for free.  And while they normally require you to sign up for the whole semester, considering the circumstances, they are letting us pay per class for the next three weeks.  Isn't that super nice?  And an awesome friend of mine gave me a gift certificate to use, too.  How great is that?!?!  

Anyway, the class consisted of silly fun stuff for the kids, as well as a casual introduction to gymnastics.  Harlie loved swinging from the bars.  It was all she wanted to do for the whole class.  The teacher helped her flip over the bar and Harlie LOVED it!!!  It was so great to watch.  I got some pictures and a small little video of her swinging, but I can't upload my pics right now.  So, I'll have to post them later.  

There's more to that story, but I'll have to pick it up tomorrow.  


Susan said...

Ahhhh. I'd love to see Harlie flipping! Hope you can cram the fun in before the business. It puts a cramp in the summer but imagine how great it will feel come fall to have that past you. And eating?! Wow!

Yes the device we have is made by the same people as the SpringBoard Lite. I'm super excited to start adding more words so Ainsley has some meaningful paths to use.

Just Diane said...

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful 3 weeks. I pray all things good and wonderful for you and your family as you head into her surgery. Great big hugs.

B-Mama said...

I'm so glad to hear you all have embraced the next three weeks as being the "fun" times. What a great way to lead up to the surgery. You will feel ready to tackle the hard work after giving yourself some great times with the kids... Prayers Norfolk went well today. Wish we could have helped!! At least you can say you don't have do it again--going out with a bang! Blessings!

Medical Updates

Hi! It has been a while since I've given a medical update. So, here goes... Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Update Here's a recap of h...