Thursday, June 3, 2010


Today I got this little girl...

this shirt.

The reason why I'm showing it to you is because it has a drink with a straw on it. And Harlie can wear it honestly, because she can drink out of a straw now. Isn't that something?

I have always avoided clothing items with ice cream or cookies or anything like that on them. In fact, they made me mad. I would stand in the store and say they ruined a perfectly good shirt with that stupid cute little ice cream cone. So, my next goal? Ice cream. If she liked ice cream I would let her eat it anytime she wanted. Even if she wanted it for breakfast. I think I'll try it tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.

Here's her silly little self really trying to smile for the camera.

Don't you just LOVE her?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

She is such a little sweetheart, how can you not love her.

Kristen said...

Yes, yes I do love her!

Heather said...

perfect shirt! I love it and her!

Donna said...

Look at her hair!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!! Beautiful!!!!

Susan said...

She's so cute! I love her hair. I hope there is an icecream shirt and a cookie shirt in her wardrobe very soon!

B-Mama said...

She is such a cutie! LOVE that last pic and can't wait for her to try one of the best foods in the world--ice cream! We'll treat her to Bruester's when she's mastered it!!!

Sue Mitchell said...

Love the pictures, that beautiful smile and those lovely locks! How sweet of her friend Kyleigh to share her device. Harlie seems to be learning by leaps and bounds. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on your smart little girl.

Brittany said...

LOVE that smile :)

Just Diane said...

What great pictures!! She is awesome!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

How sweet she is. :) I love the shirt. Like you, I never buy clothing with food on them. I found the cutest one today with a cupcake, and it says Daddy's Little Sweetie. But I didn't buy it because she isn't going to eat a cupcake!

We are silly, huh. :)

Medical Updates

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