Thursday, June 10, 2010

Heart Cath Results

So, she is out, as Tom said, and is doing fine.  The worst part about a heart cath is that she isn't supposed to bend her leg at her hip for six hours.  A constant battle in that Harlie never lays still. 

The best part - about THIS cath - is that it went great!  So great, in fact, that her doctor is comfortable sending her home after the required six hour recovery period!  We were shocked.  Leave it to Harlie to keep us guessing.  Unfortunately, we won't be getting on the road until after 10pm.  Oh well.  It's worth it.

Okay, on to the nitty gritty...

Her last heart cath (last April) showed that her pressures were measuring at 19, which is high.  When pressures are 20-plus they consider the patient too high risk to have the Fontan (the next heart surgery she needs).  They did the DKS to help reduce some of that pressure, with the hope that her number would come down.  So, today, she measured at 18.  So, not a huge improvement in one year's time.  While a higher number raises risks for sickness and complications after the Fontan, it is clear that this is the best we're going to get.  So, it would be too risky to wait any longer.  I will talk more about those complications after our pre-op appointment with the surgeon (July 12th).  I'm going to do my best to not think too hard about them right now.

Bottom line - she's a go for the Fontan on July 13th as scheduled.  So, I'm happy. 

It might sound strange to hear that I'm happy this.  So, just a super brief explanation for my emotions:  while the surgery and recovery will be hard time in our lives, it is ultimately what is needed to give Harlie the best chance for a long life.  Without the Fontan, her life expectancy would reduce dramatically.  And we have come out of prior caths with her NOT being a candidate for the Fontan. 

So, there you have it. 


B-Mama said...

Christy, so happy to hear the procedure went well and that you all have the green light for the Fontan! Many positives!! And glad you can return tonight. woo hoo! GOOOO Harlie!

Just Diane said...

I am so glad that things are moving right along. You are a wonderful mommy and you have a fantastic family. Drive careful tonight on your way home.

Rene said...

I am so happy everything went well today. You probably took a deep breath when they told you the Fontan is a "go" and haven't let it out yet. I know, because I've just done the same thing hearing it. Love and lots and lots of hugs, and praying the ickies stay away and she stays healthy for the next few weeks!

Susan said...

This is perfectly understandable. Of course you don't want her to need the Fontan, but since she does you want her to be able to get it. It's GREAT that she's well enough for them to do it! And I'm glad you get to go home early and this is past you.

Christy said...

so glad to hear things went well today...glad to know you all are heading home to your own beds. Was happy to read the Fontan is approved. Hope you all get lots or rest once you make it home.

Grandma said...

See you in July...I am so happy she can finally have this procedure, She has done so well and God will be watching over her once more. Our Harlie is such a special little Lady and tons of prayers will be sent her way.

Medical Updates

Hi! It has been a while since I've given a medical update. So, here goes... Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Update Here's a recap of h...