Wednesday, June 16, 2010

End of School

Tomorrow is Harlie's last day of school.  I guess with most transitions, it is bittersweet for me.  I know how much she loves it and I am sure she is going to miss it.  And it's not like we're leaving school to go have this fantastic summer full of vacations, days at the beach or pool, play dates, etc.  No.  Her summer is going to be different.  More on that in another post...

Murphy's last day of school is on Friday.  He gets a one week break and then Summer Blast starts.  Summer Blast is a "camp" for school-aged children.  They go to school for fun activities and play, Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 2:30pm.  There are four sessions, and each session lasts two weeks.  AND IT COSTS NOTHING!  Did you hear me?  NOTHING!!!  Well, we pay for it with our taxes (the program is through the county) but still.

A few months ago I heard about this program through some friends.  I got the scoop the day before registration.  Keep in mind that I don't like planning.  And I don't like doing a lot of work for something that isn't going to happen for months.  But, it's FREE and I have to give Murphy something to keep him busy and occupied while Harlie and I are away.

There are a limited number of spots and since it is FREE they go quickly.  Within 20 minutes the program was full and I was very happy that I had successfully registered him for all 4 sessions.    I feel so lucky for this program and am SO glad that he gets to go.  I really hope that while Harlie and I are away it will give him the consistency and distraction that he needs.

On another note, I am able to run again.  After two full weeks of "resting" my legs (meaning I didn't run - not that I actually rested, because I didn't), I ventured out on Monday morning and ran three happy, pain-free miles.  Woo Hoo!   So, all is right again in that department.

This week two of my nieces graduated from high school.  It's such an exciting time in their lives.  Congratulations Jordan and Maggie!!!

Okay, that's it for now.


Heather said...

you need a YAY button! YAY for free camp! YAY for pain free legs! YAY for high school graduation! and YAY for a new post! we need a YAY for girls night out soon!

B-Mama said...

So glad you are feeling better and running again! I'll give you a second "YAY" for free camps... Thanks for your willingness to help today. We'll keep you posted and you all enjoy the end of your school days. xo

Kim said...

Thinking of you and your never-ending state of transition. Hang in there!!

Susan said...

I'm glad you're recovered and even able to run again. The free camp sounds amazing! It will be so nice for Murphy to be occupied and happy.

Make-A-Wish and Family Photos

The time has come for Harlie's Make-A-Wish trip. Well, the planning part anyway.  I really put off this whole MAW thing for years (obvio...