Sunday, November 16, 2008

Suntrust Half Marathon

As you might guess from my absence from my blog, we've had a busy week. You might remember that Murphy got a stomach bug. After a few days, Tom caught it, too. That was real fun. I tried my hardest to keep the bug contained to just the two of them. Murphy got it 10 days ago and Tom got it 7 days ago. As of now, it looks like the two of them are almost back to 100%, so I am hoping I was successful. Notice that I am not willing to chance saying anything for sure as you know how that goes...

The bug really hit Tom at a terrible time. He's been training for his first half marathon (the Suntrust Half Marathon) for a while now and he was sick for the entire week before the race. He lost 5 pounds during the week and barely ate anything. I think Friday night was the most of a meal I had seen him eat since last Saturday. So I was a little worried about him running 13 miles after that. But, he did great. He ran the 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 17 minutes. He ran it with our friend Neal, who did great too. Here are some pics:

I had to crop this one so Tom is closer so it's a little fuzzy. But cool that I could put Tom's name on his shirt!

Tom and Neal right after they finished.

Heather, Griffin, Mallory and Neal.

And here's the best picture!

Being at a race always gets me wanting to run again. I've run in a couple 10ks and I ran the Suntrust 8k years ago (before Murphy). So, I think I'm going to make it my goal to run a half marathon next year. There's a half marathon in Virginia Beach in March, so we'll see...

Well, that's it for tonight.

Take care,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I just brag a son, I am so proud of you..I know that you have been training for a while for this marathon! You have been so diligent, focused and still have time for your family and job...can a mom say "WAY TO GO"!!!! And on another note...Christy, I know you...if you say that you are going to train for this upcoming will find the time to do it and succeed! The amazing relationship that you and Tom have will allow each of you to take the time to is home with family, the other training. You two always amaze me on how organized, compatible and unselfish you remain towards each other. You will find the time and energy to pull this race off! CONGRATS SON ON A RACE WELL RUN!!!

Medical Updates

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