Tuesday, November 11, 2008

No Mommy, I am NOT tired!

Okay, Murphy. Whatever you say...

He slept standing up like that for about 15-20 minutes. Unfortunately I couldn't stare at him the whole time, so I missed it when he finally fell over and woke up. I suppose a really good mom and dad would have picked him up and layed him comfortably on the couch. Instead, we laughed and took pictures and then enjoyed the peace and quiet.
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Shylent said...

That is absolutely wonderful !! I guess I am a bad mommy too because I would be taking pictures and laughing as well ... :o) Too bad you missed the fall though , that expression would have been a great one to catch on film , lol !

PS Every time I see that picture of Harlie you used in the header it just causes my breath to catch ! Her eyes are just piercing

Anonymous said...

Is he not precious or what!!!!!! I guess he had a really hard day at school or play or being a big brother to Harlie and Cooper! Gotta Love that Boy!

Ann said...

That is priceless! What a cute kid Murphy is.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! I would have left him there too. Anything for a little piece and quiet. Hope all is well with you guys. I can't wait to come over and see you and catch up.

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