Monday, March 5, 2018

Post-Op Day 12

Hi. Just want to let you know that all is the same. No changes today.

Sally came up to visit again. She is determined to make my life better in any way possible. ☺ Love her.

Also, Tom's sister, Kristie drove all the way down from Erie, PA today to visit! Love her, too! She will go back home tomorrow.

They had to move her today to look at her back and sacral area. Wound care and ENT came for all that. I could barely breathe the whole time they were doing stuff.

Well, that's all I have the energy for today. It is so late.

Thanks for all the love. Can't say it enough.

Much love,
Christy xo


Anonymous said...

As hard as this is to read I can only imagine how hard it is for you to write. Hoping for the best possible outcome for Harley! You rock Mama Bear!

Hartman 4 said...

Glad for a stable day. Hugs.

Medical Updates

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