Sunday, March 4, 2018

Post-Op Day 11, Got to see the boys.

Today we had a few visitors. 

Mike came over in the morning. We had breakfast at the hospital cafeteria. Then we hung out in Harlie's room. 

Mary Ann (Tom's mom) brought the boys up on the train. So, Tom and Mike left to go get them from the train station. 

We are still dealing with what happened yesterday, obviously. And I struggled with the decision on whether or not to let them come up. Honestly, I was worried I would cry or just not be strong enough around them. But, when you know that you aren't guaranteed tomorrow, it makes you think differently. So, we decided to stick with our plans for her to bring them. 

Tom asked them if they wanted to see her, and they said yes. Oddly, I was surprised, but proud that they wanted to. They did great and took the situation like champs. Well, like pros, I guess I should say. Makes me sad when I realize that this isn't as unusual as it totally should be. Our life seems surreal when I think about it. Like this family picture...

Anyway, we all went to lunch together. Then we went back to the hospital to drop Mike off to get his car.

Then the five of us went to the Mall, and went into the Building Museum, where they were flying model planes and birds. The birds were so cool. 

We drove around for a bit, but it was hard for me to enjoy myself. It is like I'm fearing disaster is around every corner. I was so nervous in traffic, totally afraid we were going to get in an accident, or hit a pedestrian. And I totally trust Tom's driving! It was exhausting. 

So we went back to the hospital. You can only have three people bedside, so we just took turns hanging out in her room and the CICU waiting room. 

We had another visitor, Rick. He came to the hospital while we were driving around, so he left. When Tom told him we were on our way back, he turned around and came back. 

Then we went and had dinner together. Cooper has a school musical performance on Thursday night that I'm going to miss. And then Murphy is in his school's musical this coming Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Tom has a plan to get me home to see the Satuday show. It is really hard to leave the hospital and be two miles away. It feels completely overwhelming to think about being hours away from her. Now that makes me think about, and appreciate how difficult it must be for Tom to leave us during the week. No one has it easy in this situation. 

Tom dropped me off at the RMH and then they left to go home. 

I am exhausted but I didn't want to get behind in my posts. And I didn't want anyone to worry if I didn't post something today. 

Oh, I forgot to mention that yesterday we had some visitors a few hours after what happened yesterday. I didn't take any pictures, just wasn't thinking about it. But one of Harlie's home health nurses, Caylee and her mom came to visit. They happened to be in the area, so that worked out well. Caylee brought me a fun 1,000 piece puzzle to work on, so that was awesome. 

We have some amazing friends, and they got together and reserved us a room in a very nice hotel for Saturday night. We were so looking forward to it and a nice dinner. But, after what happened, we just couldn't be that far away from the hospital. So, we had to cancel our reservations. So, we stayed late at the hospital. And in walked Paul with a surprise visit! 

We went to a restaurant just a few blocks from the RMH. Even though I didn't think I was up for talking or doing anything that night, I managed to laugh a little, which is good. 

Although I was jumpy as hell. My phone rang and I about jumped out of my seat. I'm just so afraid the hospital is going to call.  

Overall it was a quiet day for Harlie. They put some special boots on her today to keep her foot from developing foot drop, I think is what she said. It is so hard to see so little of her face. 

I have to wrap this up because I am just too tired to write more. But, I want to thank every single one of you who have thought about us, prayed, shared my blog, commented on my blog or Facebook, visited, written us messages, emails, texts, etc. There are so many comments on Facebook that I can't possibly respond to all of them. 

We know this is hard stuff to read and allow into your heart. Thank you for being up to the challenge. Thank you for having the courage to say something, even when you don't know what to say. I just can't tell you how much it means to us to have such an amazing support network. You are helping us get through this. And I just can't thank you enough. 

Much love, 
Christy xo


LouiseY said...

Thank you so much for posting. You were right. I did worry when you hadn't posted yet. I'm so thankful the day was not as scary as yesterday.

Hartman 4 said...

Prayers for rest for your heart tonight. ❤️

Robin Kargoll said...

Just like LuiseY said above, you’re right about people worrying if you don’t post. But at the same time, I just don’t know how you do it. As fragile as life is for you right now, it’s amazing how you are able to keep sharing. You and your whole family mean so much to so many people. It’s wonderful to see the boys visiting her and you’re right it sucks that they are pros at it.
Keep hanging in there and I’ll keep checking back.
Hugs and prayers, Robin

Maureen said...

It's been decades since we were both at the VSB (I'm still here!) but I wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and praying for Harlie! You are so strong no matter what comes your way!

Maureen (Dubus) Stengel

Unknown said...

I had the opportunity to get know Harlie for a brief time at Treehouse during a social group. I loved the spirit and energy she brought to the dynamics of the group. I continue to keep Harlie and you all in my thoughts. Thank you for the daily updates.

Unknown said...

Hi Christy,
I was introduced to you and Harlie by Bethany years ago while walking to pick up kids at Rivers Edge. My daughter only went there for half of KG before we moved to WI. I’ve been following your blog and praying for Harlie and for your family through the years. I just wanted you to know that I am so inspired by you and your family’s strength, courage & faith. Continuing to pray daily for you all. Blessings, Julie Mattison

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