Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter

I originally started this post on Sunday night.  But I feel asleep with my hands on the keyboard.  Nice.  

I'd like to say Happy Easter!  And mean it.  But to be honest, this Easter was not the best.  

We didn't go to church (no nurse = no church).  We didn't dye eggs (well, Tom and Murphy did - at 8:00 Sunday night). We didn't have the family over (just my Mom and Dad came for dinner).   Everything feels so difficult right now.  I keep telling myself that it's just temporary.  That everything will be better when she no longer has that cast.  But, while it will be SO MUCH better when it comes off, a lot of what makes our lives difficult will remain.  Grrr.  More on that later (as in another post)...

On Sunday, after eating candy for breakfast, we all went for a walk to a playground almost one mile away.  Cooper walked the entire way!  

Later that afternoon Tom turned on the sprinklers for Murphy and his buddy, C.

While all the boys were outside, Harlie and I hung out inside...

Monday marked FOUR weeks in this cast.  Harlie is now itchy and miserable.  She's having a hard time sleeping and will wake up crying, pointing to the same spot.  The instructions given from the hospital were very clear to NOT put anything down in the cast.  But I can't imagine that many people obey that rule.  So, I figured out that if she lays flat on her left side, and I gently pull up on the cast on the right side, I can just barely get a long, wooden q-tip in there.  So, now she asks for that a lot.  Unfortunately, that one particular spot she keeps pointing to is so tight to her ribs that nothing is getting through there.  

More later!


grandma said...

Hopefully, only 2 more weeks to go...worse case..we are half way there. Inventors out there...you need to make a spray that you can use on a cast that goes thru it and takes the itching away...anyone who has ever been in a cast always has the same complaint. Poor Harlie..my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

You really shouldn't be so hard on yourself for Easter not being the best. Hey, I didn't dye eggs at all and my only excuse is that I just really didn't want to. (terrible mother that I am) From your pictures, the most important thing is that you and Tom spend lots of time with your kids. They don't care what they are doing whether it be dying eggs or going for a walk. They probably didn't even notice that Easter was any different.
Dara :)

Medical Updates

Hi! It has been a while since I've given a medical update. So, here goes... Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Update Here's a recap of h...