Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Another Pre-Op Today

Today we head back up to Northern Virginia for our pre-op appointment with Harlie's surgeon.  I am so excited about this one because I am hoping that I'll be able to get a much better idea of what to expect.  I've got a whole list of questions for her, so I hope she's ready!  It's hard to believe her surgery is just four weeks from yesterday.

At the end of last week I got a call from her ENT's office with a date for her ear tubes and bronch - March 8th.  Yay!  But, unfortunately the team working on her case for her spinal fusion surgery said they were not comfortable with her having two procedures under anesthesia so close together.  So, they have coordinated her ENT doc to come in and do the ear tube and bronch right before her surgeon does the spinal fusion.

On the surface, that certainly makes more sense.  I just didn't intend for her to go this long with fluid/issues with her ear.  And her speech therapist said that if her ear is full of fluid than it sounds to her like she's underwater.  Which I suppose I already knew.  So, in the next several weeks we will start to try to explain what's going to happen - and I just wanted to give her the best opportunity to hear and be able to understand what we're saying.

But, the thought of having to do the IVs, anesthesia, recovery, etc. twice in 20 days isn't appealing, either.  And I'm thinking that it would only make things more traumatic for her.  So, we'll just have to make do with her hearing and hope that it doesn't become infected in the meantime.  Although now that I'm thinking about it, I guess I could take her to see her pediatrician for antibiotics if that happens.

Changing the subject...

Last night Tom and I went to a MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) event.  Normally we meet once per month - just the moms.  But every year around February, they have a MOPs and POPs event and the dads come, too.  There is a speaker and usually the topic has something to do with marriage.  Last night it was a couple who teaches communication tips for couples.

They had a hand-out and it showed a communication technique that we had to think of something that bothered us and use the format to see if it helped communicate what was the real problem.  They had some good tips - but I'm not sure about this one.  It's called the XYZ technique:

When you do X, in situation Y, I felt Z.

So, this was mine:

I changed "you're selfish" to:  When you only consider how you feel about a dog, when we discussed it last, I feel like you don't want me to be happy.

And this was his:

When you ask me for a dog, everyday (which, for the record isn't true!), I feel like you are trying to kill me.

So, it appears we haven't made any progress towards getting a dog.  And I have had two dreams that we got a puppy in the last week.  One day, we'll have a puppy.  I hope.

Okay, enough yapping, I have to get ready for our road trip.  More later!


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Medical Updates

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