Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Pictures

Here are some random Christmas pictures.  And there are lots of them.  I will write a proper post later.  No time right now for that.  

Harlie playing while we were in line waiting to see Santa.  She was more excited about this cutout than Santa.  Maybe next year will be her year to totally "get it."

Do you remember the suction machine filter I found in the tree a few weeks ago?  Well, a few days before Christmas I found a sock in/on the tree.  Someone likes to do their own kind of decorating around here...

This is an ornament that Harlie made in school.  It is the sign for "I love you."  Isn't it adorable????

This is just a picture I took of Harlie.  I think she might be learning how to get her picture taken.  You can really see how "off" her jaw alignment is.  Ugh.  At some point, we are going to have to face that challenge again.  We just aren't ready yet. 

Christmas morning!

This was a typical scene during Christmas day and the day after.  Harlie LOVES Buzz Lightyear and had a very hard time sharing.  

My family arrived in the afternoon.  We do a name exchange but don't share who got who until Christmas day.  This is Tom opening his present from my Mom.  She did a scavenger hunt for him.  It was so much fun!

Finally!  He found his gift! It was a car organizer he wanted to hold his work stuff.

Here are my three nieces, Maggie, Kelly and Jordan, all showing off the scarves my Mom made for them.

Just some of the family.  My Mom, Jordan, my sister Sandy, Rick (Sandy's husband) and Pap Pap.

My Aunt Opal and Tom's Mom with my big brother, Bruce playing with Cooper.

Nancy, Bruce's wife.

My younger brother, Cabell.  Cooperative as always.

My birthday is on Christmas and Nancy's birthday is the day after.  Here are our cakes.

One of Harlie's FAVORITE gifts - a head lamp that was in her stocking.  She LOVES doing shadow puppets.  The head lamp is perfect for that.  But she wears it just hanging out watching tv, too.

Some pictures of Pap Pap playing with Harlie and Cooper.


Murphy, Grandma and Harlie.

Harlie and Murphy playing with one of their gifts - Zingo.  They LOVED it!

Checking out each other's boards.


And Harlie wins! 

I have a lot more to say and tell you about, but there's just no time now.  But, I thought you might enjoy some photos in the meantime.

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

One: I love that we have the same taste in wrapping paper, LOL, I see one of Murphy's presents with the same paper I had.

Two: You have some of the cutest kids on earth, and Harlie cracks me up that she won't share her Buzz Light year ;)

Three: I miss all of you like crazy. But it's so good to see pictures!

Love you!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

It looks like an amazing Christmas! The pictures are so fun. :)

Christy said...

Looks like everyone had a great Christmas! Happy new year to you all!

Anonymous said...

Hi Christy looks like you all had a great Christmas. Hope you got my Happy Birthday voice mail. I am glad you got a cake this year.


Sue Mitchell said...

Happy belated birthday, Christy and Merry Christmas to all. Looks like the kids were having a great time. Love all the pictures.

Susan said...

Your birthday is ON Christmas? Oh dear. At least you know you will always be with your family. I'm glad to see it looks like you had a great one, and great Christmas!

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