Tuesday, May 25, 2010

26.2 here I come!!!!

Well, I did it.  I just signed up with the training team for the Suntrust Richmond Marathon in November!  I was thinking that I just couldn't make that commitment right now.  Or more importantly, this summer.  But, I think/hope having this to focus on, will help me through the difficult times ahead. 

It isn't going to be easy - on me - or Tom.  This is a true time commitment.  And it can't be done without a spouse's support.  I've been mentioning it to Tom here and there for the past few months.  And this past weekend Tom really surprised me by giving me the green light (insert brag about Tom and how great of a husband he is right here).  I don't think I realized how much I wanted to do this marathon until that moment.  I was SO excited!!!!

I will train with the Sportsbackers Marathon Training Team.  It is the same group that I trained with last summer to do the Half Marathon.  Training starts on June 5th.  And will continue for 23 weeks!  And I am so looking forward it!  



Kim said...

YAY! Next year you can coach me (I'll stick with a half this year...).

Seriously, in the face of all that's going on this summer, this will be a VERY good thing. You deserve it, you will kick this marathon's but, and I'm so PROUD of you! Go Christy!!! :)

Ann said...

Bravo for you and Tom too! And here I was all proud of myself for walking a 1/2 marathon :) But, hey ... I'm old! Good luck Christy and I think it's the perfect thing to "distract" you with all you've got going on this summer.

Grandma said...

Christy, you supported tom all the way with his bike run, I am glad he is supporting you. This is probably exactly what you need now...to try to focus on something you enjoy. Yes, uou can make the committment...you can do this!

B-Mama said...

You go girl! The race will be such an excellent distraction... and will hopefully provide you with some introspective running time to help you process all that is going on!!

Kristen said...

I am in awe! You are one heck of an amazing woman...for SOOO many reasons!

Christy said...

good for you! to train for a marathon will all the you have going is quite impressive. Best of luck!

Susan said...

Tom is great isn't he?! I hope the distraction works. More power to ya!

Medical Updates

Hi! It has been a while since I've given a medical update. So, here goes... Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Update Here's a recap of h...