Thursday, February 25, 2010

Baby proofing is impossible with this one.

The other day, Cooper came into the kitchen and I picked him up. He smelled very sweet.

Like syrup sweet.

So, I put him down and followed him into the playroom.

I just hope this was the first time he drank our syrup.

Nothing is safe with that kid around.



Grandma said...

Oh how well I know that! He just is a very inquisative child. But look at that adorable can you ever scold him? lotsa love and hugs to all of you.

Donna said...

Too funny!!! He looks like such a big boy in those pictures!!!! :)

Heather Lewis said...

seems he has his mama's sweet tooth!

Rose said...

My son did the same thing with the container of chocolate syrup. He was one happy kid. Mommy, on the other hand, not so much.

Susan said...

Oh my gosh. I think you are very lucky it isn't all over your floor or carpet. But I think I too would not be able to eat pancakes without thinking about what extra I might be getting. ;)

paige said...

better to smell like sweet than like poo. =) too cute.

Sarah Gunn said...

Haaaa! Now I know what to give him for lunch when he comes over. Enjoyed seeing you both today!

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