Wednesday, February 3, 2010

8 Weeks Down, 1 To Go!

I just want to say that in exactly one week from today, Harlie will be wireless!!!!

She will be able to open and close her mouth again after 9 long weeks! And I am so glad.

I wonder how much her appearance will change without her lower jaw projecting forward so much. I look at that picture from my last post and realize how different she really looks from just 10 weeks ago. I know I've said it before, but I can't tell you how weird it is to have your toddler's face change in the way that Harlie's has. And looking from the outside in, you look at her differently than I do.

I'm her Mother.

I cannot pretend that she is perfect the way she is. That's not to say that I think anyone looks perfect. But, I cannot ignore the things that make Harlie look unique. That would do her no good in the future. And trust me, she would be mad at me later. If you've ever seen a teenager's reaction to a pimple, you know what I'm talking about.

I need to be able to see the things that require surgical intervention, find the right person for the job, and get it done. And she will thank me later. And I'm not just talking about the benefits to her appearance. I'm also talking about the benefits to the function of what's being altered. Like her mouth.

You know, the thing that helps you breathe, talk, eat and drink?

Yeah, the sooner we get her to be able to do those things, the better off she'll be.

So, Wednesday, February 10th here we come! I'm really hoping it's the start of something really big!


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Make-A-Wish and Family Photos

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