Thursday, December 10, 2009

Surgery is over.

Dr. Magee just came out to tell us that she did well. He advanced her jaw forward two centimeters, which is a good bit. She's in the PICU now, so we can go see her.

Will update again later tonight.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers!


Allie said...

YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! I am so happy!!! Go Harlie, go, such an awesome kid.
Thank you so much for taking the time to keep everyone updated, we GREATLY appreciate it.
Whew, I am taking some Excedrin now.

Kim said...

Hooray! On to recovery!! Hugs and love sent your way. We'll be watching for more updates!

Liz said...

Thinking of you guys! Please give Harlie our love. So glad surgery is over and you can start the road to recovery.

Rebecca Bennett said...

The most wonderful news of my day.


B-Mama said...

Hallelujah!! We are thrilled on this end. Wonderful news... Way to go, Harlie (and mom and dad!!)

Ms. Crabass said...

Woooo hooooo!!! Yay Harlie! Been thinking of you guys...checking in. So glad to find good news here! Kisses to Harlie...and big hugs to mom. xoxo

Love Kerry

Anonymous said...

congratulations! way to go Harlie!!!! Bryden says hi and she misses you and hopes that you feel better soon!!!!

The Hurtubise Family

Susan said...

7 hours is such a long time. I'm glad to hear things went well & can't wait to see the results. Hugs to Harlie.

Bruce said...

Thinking about you guys all day today. Glad to hear the surgery went well. I hope the recovery is easy on Harlie and the time down there is limited for all of you.

Most of all........I hope it WORKS this time!

Heather said...

such great news! thanks for keeping everyone up to date. I'm so excited the surgery is behind you and her and you can move on to the next phase. I'm hoping for an easier recovery this time. more finger crossing coming your way.

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