Friday, December 11, 2009

Post-Op Day 1

I’m sorry I am so late updating the blog. In the PICU there is no access to the internet.

Harlie’s doing well so far. But, she’s been sleeping for the most part. Which I’m glad about. The more she sleeps through this recovery - the better as far as I’m concerned.

There’s been a lot more bleeding this time around. They had to transfuse her during the surgery and then at 11:45pm Thursday night they called to get my consent to give her more. They said that her hemoglobin was down to 9 from 12. Getting a phone call from the hospital at that time of night is a little scary. So I was relieved that’s all it was.

Her neurosurgeon came by to see her first thing this morning. He said her dressings needed to be changed. They were getting saturated in some places. So, a little while later Dr. Magee came by and changed them. Which allowed us to see the incisions. Ugh. They are much worse this time around. Her head incision is a lot longer than it was last time. I have no idea what I’m going to do with her hair. But, I’ll deal with that when I can really see what’s left. He put this pink pressure dressing on her this time.

The incisions under her jaw are much thicker, which Dr. Magee warned us about. He said since her skin had to be stretched so much, he needed to use thicker stitches to keep a strong hold. And the scars can be revised later, once everything is said and done.

She isn’t as swollen or bruised as we expected. I can’t imagine she would escape it. But who knows.

There was a spot at the bottom of Harlie’s jaw line on the right side that stuck out. It felt like a piece of bone that was pointing down and it was very sharp to the touch. There have been several times that I thought for sure it was going to come right through her skin. I asked Dr. Magee if he fixed that while he was in there and he said he did - but it wasn’t bone, it was a screw. Well, that explains why it was so sharp. I am very glad that it is gone now.

My mom and dad came to visit today. So, while they were with her (they only allow two people at her bedside at a time) Tom and I went to one of our favorite restaurants for lunch (No Frill Grill). Well, it is late and I am tired. I’ll write more tomorrow. I have some photos, but I will have to upload them tomorrow.

As always, thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

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Medical Updates

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