Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We have a date.

So, they called and gave me a date. A date for her third heart surgery - the Fontan. It is April 2nd. Wowzers. It felt so weird to write it in my calendar. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. It will be nice to get this behind us, to have Harlie's heart function better and to see some better numbers on her monitor for a change! But, I know what lies ahead and it's not pretty.

We have to go up to DC the day before for her pre-op stuff. Then we will have to stay the night up there and then take her back to the hospital first thing in the morning. I can't help but feel bad that she has NO idea of what's coming. I suppose it is better that way. But, still...

Well, sadly, tomorrow we have our last session with Beth, Harlie's speech therapist. We will certainly miss her and I really hope that we will see her again. Murphy took right to her, too and I know he will miss her, too.

Luckily, for Harlie's feeding therapy we will get the same OT that we had from the beginning, Allison. She used to come to our house for feeding therapy until she moved to the clinic at the Children's Hospital here in Richmond. So, since we are losing Beth, it just worked out great that we can get Allison again. Although now instead of them coming to our house for therapy, we will have to go to the clinic. Budget cuts with the state, blah, blah... So, we go on Friday to see Allison. And we will also get Harlie's blenderized diet recipe. I am really excited about that. I am crossing my fingers that she won't have a reaction to anything in it. Normally, you introduce foods one at a time, but putting a child on a blenderized diet doesn't really allow you that kind of time. So, we're taking a risk, but I think it's a low one.

Beth also did one hour a week working on communication with Harlie. So, we will meet a new person on Monday for our first session of speech therapy. I hope we like her and that Harlie takes to her.

Well, that's it for tonight. I am going to get off the computer so I can relax for a little bit.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

I'll see you on the 1st then! I just marked my Calendar! (Its a good thing I just booked a vacation for the first week in May, instead of April...I would have had to reschedule...seriously!)

Anonymous said...

I'll be there too!! Prayers will start right away for this next big surgery for Harlie. All my love.

Christy said...

that is hilarious! And I would have rescheduled, too. I will NOT do the Fontan without you there! Period. I need you!


Susan said...

That IS soon. Why not get on with it I guess. It gives you plenty of time before the end of school.

Tracy said...

Wow. April will be here and gone before you know it. Harlie is such an amazing little girl. Sometimes I think that its best that they don't know what is coming when it comes to surgery.

Medical Updates

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