Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Superbowl Champs

Yes, we're Steelers fans. Can you tell?

We took some quick family photos before Tom left to go watch the game (at 12:30!!! - the game started at 6:30).

Actually, Tom left to go "tail gate" with all the other fans in the parking lot of the bar we all gather to watch the games. I couldn't leave that early - had kid duty, of course - so I missed the party. I got there later and still had a lot of fun.

Just a few of the Steelers fans...

Tom said that while they were partying, 7 police cars showed up. The officers told them they were fine - but they had to check it out anyway. Tom suspects a Baltimore Ravens fan that walked by called the police. Ahh, sore losers. But all was well and no one got in trouble.

Well, it was a great game. As classic Steelers games are, they had us all having heart attacks there near the end. But they pulled it out and the bar went crazy. Good times....

Today we went to DC for Harlie's orthopedics appointment (to get a second opinion on her spinal issues). I'll write more about that later.

Take care,


Shylent said...

I love the fact that the police came to check things out - that's when you know it's a good party. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Did I not raise my son properly??? A steeler fan always...and look at his wife (who has converted) and those 3 beautiful steeler kids!!

Susan said...

OMG I love the yellow bow. Can you tell I'm not a big football fan? Ha ha.

Tracy said...

Wohoo Steelers! That was one of the best football games I ever saw. We are Steeler fans too! We've even been lucky enough to walk around Heinz Stadium. Its huge!
My husband's uncle was actually at this Super Bowl too!


Make-A-Wish and Family Photos

The time has come for Harlie's Make-A-Wish trip. Well, the planning part anyway.  I really put off this whole MAW thing for years (obvio...