Sunday, October 12, 2008

Quick Update

It's hard to believe that Cooper is already two weeks old. Boy, have they flown by. Friday was my first day alone, with all three kids, and no nurse. It was supposed to be a fairly easy day with just follow-up appointments with the pediatrician for both Cooper and Harlie. But, on Thursday Brandy told me that I was running out of Harlie's food (which has to be specially ordered). So, after making a few frantic phone calls I managed to find someone at MCV who could get me a case, but I would need to pick it up on Friday. And since I had run out (we have increased Harlie's intake, so she went through her supply faster than normal) I had to go and get the new order placed with the new monthly amount. So, add picking up Murphy at 12:30 - and my day went from okay to CRAZY.

So, I took Harlie and Cooper to their doctor's appointment, then came home, fed Cooper, then went to place my new monthly order (which ended up being more complicated than anticipated). I had my mom pick up Murphy (which was good, because she beat me home). And then my wonderful neighbor took Murphy with her for the afternoon with her kids. Then my mom went to MCV to pick up the formula for me, so I could get the kids fed and down for their naps. So, it was crazy, and I wasn't alone after all. But at some point I am going to have to be able to handle it. I know it will get easier when Cooper is more on a schedule. And when I have a little more energy.

As far as the doctor appointment went, Cooper finally gained some weight back. He weighed 8 pounds even. So, that was a gain of 6 ounces in 4 days, which is great! He is now an eating machine - although he is the slowest eater EVER. Not exactly convenient for my life, but what are going to do??? I'm happy he can eat by mouth - I guess I shouldn't get picky!
The bad thing is that he already has a double ear infection! Ugh! So, here's a recent pic of Cooper.

Then on Friday night our friends Matt and Melissa came up from Suffolk with their two kids. On Saturday, Tom and Matt took the oldest kids (Murphy and Abby) camping for the night. And Melissa and I hung out with Harlie, Cooper and Isabella. They had a good time.

Next week will be very busy. On Tuesday we have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Magee (Harlie's plastic surgeon) in Norfolk. On Wednesday Cooper has an appointment with a urologist (for his circumcision - after Murphy's experience, we aren't taking any chances). And on Friday, we are going to Pittsburgh for Tom's sister's wedding.

Well, that's about it for now.

Take care,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can he get any cuter!!!! can not wait to hold and cuddle him this weekend...I probably will have to stand in line to get any where near the kids...everyone feels the same way!

Make-A-Wish and Family Photos

The time has come for Harlie's Make-A-Wish trip. Well, the planning part anyway.  I really put off this whole MAW thing for years (obvio...