Thursday, October 30, 2008


So, I completely forgot that today was picture day at Murphy's school. And this is how he looked...

Yes, that's bed-head he's sporting and a too small t-shirt. For the record, Tom was completely responsible for this look. Oh, how he cares about the details (like clothes that fit). Probably won't be purchasing those pictures.

Oh, and I found my cat locked on the 3rd floor this morning. Ummm, we're not exactly sure when that happened (Tom thinks it was Tuesday night). Oops. I wondered why she didn't eat yesterday. She's okay now. See, look how happy she is...

Well, goodnight!


Libby Walker said...

lolol. No you MUST buy those pics!!

Anonymous said...

Murphy definately has looked better!! But either way..he still is my boy..bed head or not. Poor Annie...I bet she really ate her food when she came out...I can imagine the meowing she did. By the way ..harlie looks adorable just kinda hanging around, in the background, with Murphy.

Anonymous said...

I agree you HAVE to buy those pictures. Gross school pictures are a right of passage!

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