Monday, August 11, 2008

Murphy's Surgery and Harlie took some steps!

Murphy's surgery went "well" today. Although I'm not so sure he'd agree. He is not very happy about the pain. But who could blame the little guy? It was very strange to be there with him and not Harlie. The pre-op questions were a breeze!

And he was so good! I am so proud of him. We had to wake him up at 5:45, get him dressed and in the car and he didn't complain once. Of course he couldn't have anything to eat or drink - and didn't complain once about that, either! Unfortunately, we had to wait a long time for them to call us back - after 8am. And they finally took him to the OR at 9am. We said good-bye and the only thing he said was, "I don't want to do this" while holding back tears. I was so impressed with him!

The doctor said that each procedure would take about 20 minutes, so I was expecting to hear something within the hour. At 10am we got a call and the nurse said, "So we got started about 5 minutes ago." What? I had to ask, "What have y'all been doing for the last hour?" And she said "prepping." Okay. So I asked if he cried and she said no that he was just talking to all of them and playing with the mask. She said he was really good and funny. Well, that's good.

Then an hour later the doctor came out and said he did fine and everything went well. He explained his care to us and then we got to go see him. He was definitely not happy, but he was hanging in there, trying to be good. We got him home and he promptly threw up on the couch and Tom. Yeah, he wasn't feeling too well. I shouldn't, but I have to laugh. It's always Tom he throws up on. Well, I got more than my fair share with Harlie, so I don't feel too bad.

The rest of the day Murphy sacked out on the couch watching movies. Once I got some crackers in him, he started to feel a bit better. He is definitely feeling some pain. Ugh, the poor guy!!! It broke my heart when I had to make him walk to the bathroom. But we survived.

Of course today was Harlie's physical therapy day and Brandy said that it was her best PT session ever. And I missed it! Ugh! Harlie took 7 steps unassisted!!! My PT said that she thinks it is very possible she'll be walking by the time the baby is born. Wow. Would that be crazy great, or what? After Harlie woke up from her nap we had her walk between Brandy and I and she did great. So, hopefully it will just get better and better from here on out.

Well, it was a long day, so I'm turning in.

Take care,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pap Pap calls Murphy "little Man" so I guess he lived up to his name today and showed what a man he truly was!!So brave and strong! I can just picture him saying "I don't want to do this" would have broken my heart too! Well, Christy another hurdle over, now Harlie's heart cath, and soon baby #3. What a busy summer! Harlie..keep on taking those will be a whole new world for you when you discover how fast you can go with nothing holding you back!!

Make-A-Wish and Family Photos

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