Thursday, August 21, 2008

Feeling sad for a friend...

This morning, I got on my trach support board to see if anything was new with my trach friends. Although I don't have a lot of time to post messages, I always want to keep up with them and how things are going. It is amazing how well we have all gotten to know one another and our children without ever meeting in person.

Anyway, I was shocked and very saddened to read about one little boy, Tommy, who shared Harlie's birthdate. After battling heart and lung issues, he lost his fight and passed away last night. Over the past 2 years on the board, I've seen videos of his accomplishments, read of his ups and downs and I feel like I know him and his mom very well. He was in the process of transitioning to a single ventricle heart (like Harlie) and also had some lung issues to deal with as well (like Harlie). He was doing very well and I am just shocked that this happened so suddenly. And just a few days ago, another friend (not through my trach board) lost her daughter. Just heartbreaking.

I know that death is a part of life, but it seems as if I know it more than most for some reason. As I have said before, the possibility of losing Harlie is always in my mind - in the back on a good day, and in the front on a bad one. We have been so lucky so many times that things have gone her way when we needed it to. I honestly don't worry so much anymore. She's very stable and is progressing and getting better all the time. So, I have relaxed a lot and really don't think about it that much. I have good feelings about her future so I just don't see a reason to worry like I used to. And my energy needs to be spent in so many more productive ways than worrying. But, it's times like these that bring it all back home and slap me in the face. And the bottom line is that it will be this way always. That's just life - not just for me - but for anyone. Death is a part of life.

But I am so sad for my friends. Such incredible losses. Please send some positive thoughts to those moms and their families.



Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Tommy's family. May God Bless and keep them safe in their upcoming days. May they find peace and comfort in knowing that Tommy has no more suffering and is an angel with Our Lord. Our deepest sympathy..Grandma And Pap pap

Anonymous said...

I'll pray for comfort for Tommy's family. I couldnt imagine what they're going through, losing a child is every parents worst nightmare and I hope I never have to know what it feels like. The only comfort is knowing theres a God and Tommys with him now and someday they'll be together again.

Anonymous said...

I know what its like to feel like you know someone by reading their blog and looking at their pictures. I havent met you or Harlie, but I feel like I've known you forever, and Im betting Im not the only one.

Make-A-Wish and Family Photos

The time has come for Harlie's Make-A-Wish trip. Well, the planning part anyway.  I really put off this whole MAW thing for years (obvio...