Friday, October 6, 2006

Grandma'a Days with Harlie

I am so happy to inform all you avid readers to Harlie's journal, that I Grandma Bowser was able to spend the last 2 days with our little darling! Each day Harlie is getting bigger and stronger. She only has an IV in for her medications, of course her breathing tube is still there (only for precautions-she is breathing all by herself) and getting more of mommy's milk everyday. We all are so pleased and happy for not only Harlie, but mommy, daddy and Murphy too! If Harlie could have picked her parents herself...she would have picked Tom and Christy! These two people have been thru some pretty tough times, but their love for their children has been amazing. Their love for each other stronger than ever. As Tom's mom, I may sound a little prejudice when I say I couldn't be more proud of my son. I have always felt that his choice for a wife couldn't have been better. I hope and I pray that thru the difficult times they may face in the future that they remain strong in their convictions and continue to grow in their marriage. They are truly committed to each other and their familiy.I have had the pleasure of spending two weeks as the babysitter for Murphy and now am ready to leave tommorrow to return to Pennsylvania. I will miss my "little man" but will be back when I am needed. Thank you for all the prayers, kind words and love you have poured out to Tom, Christy, Murphy and Harlie. I cannot express the gratitude I feel. Harlie still has many surgeries to face, the next one getting her trach and feeding tube in, hopefully at the end of next week. Then she can come home! With the hands of many trusted surgeons, all your prayers and most importantly, the Grace of God, we will get Harlie thru them.Again, thank you. Grandma

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Medical Updates

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