Friday, October 27, 2006


Today was another good day with Harlie. This was the only time I was able to go see her this week. Christy needed the break and I was able to take the time off.

In short, next Thursday looks good for bringing her home. The basic plan is for us to get the equipment delivered on Wednesday morning and then get some training on it. Christy and I will then leave for DC for the night. We will be "rooming in" at the NICU. This will allow us to care for her throughout the night. Christy is getting better and better are caring for her. I am watching her for lessons. On Thursday we will be getting her ready to go to Richmond and gathering the 100's of pages discharge paperwork. Just before we leave for Richmond, the plan is to have Harlie baptized by the hospital chaplain in their chapel. That's about it for next week.

Christy will be continue to get trained next week and hopefully I'll catch on quickly. It looks like we will have a few days of private nursing initially when we get home so that should help on those first few days home.

On a very sad note, we had to leave the hospital Friday night and go to the vet for our cat Wendy. Unfortunately, Wendy had liver disease that got bad real quick. Unfortunately, we had to make the decision to put her to sleep. May she rest in eternal peace.For those of you who never met Wendy, I have a few recent photos of her in the album (putting up with Murphy's love...). She was a great cat who put up with alot of grief from her sister Annie and more recently Murphy. Wendy was always known as the fat one and she was as lovable as she was large. Christy has had Wendy for 13 years. She named her Wendy after "Wendy the Whiner" as all the kitten did when Christy met her was follow her around and whine and whine til she found herself a home. We will miss her dearly.

Take care and thanks for checking in.

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