Thursday, January 18, 2007

Feeding update

So, nothing new today. Met with the Feeding Clinic on Tuesday. They gave me a new feeding schedule. We are trying to increase the volume per feeding and will start to space them out a bit. She has been eating every 3 hours, and then continuously throughout the night. The goal is to get from 5 feedings per day to 3 and still keep the continuous night feed. She weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces. That's a gain of 3 ounces in 5 days. So, it looks like she'll hit 9 pounds before she turns 4 months old.

I asked about feeding her by mouth - but they told me that the occupational therapist will oversee that. She is the one that came over last week to do the face/mouth exercises. She is supposed to call me today to set up a weekly appointment. So, I have to have a little more patience. Although that is hard sometimes. Still no day nurse. The one that was supposed to come on Tuesday never showed up. I have a few agencies looking now. Well, that's it for now. Talk to you soon,

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Medical Updates

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