Friday, January 26, 2007

Dad's Entry

Well I started strong back on day 1 with my journal entires, but my other duties as Dad has taken away that extra time. (as if Christy actually has a second of spare time herself...)

Anyway, I had a moment and wanted to say that my little "Lean Cuisine" is finally over 9 lbs. For those who aren’t that familiar with Dad's nicknames, for some reason I have been calling Murphy "Chunky Soup" for the past 2 years. That doesn’t really fit our little one, so Christy suggested "Lean Cuisine" and it stuck. It’s rather fitting if you have seen her.

Last night was pretty rough for the nurse as Harlie was having a hard time keeping those O2 numbers up. Her pulse shot up over 200 for a bit. She received 5 shots as part of her Dr. visit yesterday so we think that’s given her a slight fever and the bad numbers. A dose of Tylenol helped a little and I believe she has some better numbers this afternoon. That being said, it is quite possible that we may have to have her pulmonary band adjusted to allow more blood flow to here lungs. We were aware of this from day one, but I can say I'm not looking forward to opening up the chest again. Let’s hope that holds out until the actual heart surgery. That’s it for now, back to the kitchen designer job as I prefer it over the Dr job.


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Medical Updates

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