Sunday, August 20, 2017

Post-Op Day 12

After we left last night, they did the ultrasound on her belly and found fluid (blood). Plastics came and had to open it up to drain it. They had to give her Fentanyl and then Ketamine.  They packed it with gauze and are going to come and do it again some time today. 

The area under her trach site is infected. But the Vanc and Zosyn should cover that, I think. 

She is still tachypneic today. So, another day with no trach collar trials. Everyone agrees that she is not ready. That right lung still looks collapsed. They are thinking that she is breathing fast and shallow because she is in pain. So, they are putting her back on Oxycontin around the clock and Morphine as needed. 

It is 10am and she crossed one leg over the other, so that is great! Funny how we can be happy about something so tiny. But it is movement, and I'm happy about that.  

I changed her channel for her and found Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and she smiled! That was great to see. 

She lost an IV today, so they had to give her another one. Depending on how long she swill need antibiotics, they might give her another PICC line. But that's a discussion for tomorrow. Still waiting on the cultures to come back. 

At around noon, plastics came to change the dressing on her belly. They had to give her Fentanyl and Ketamine again. She's had a lot of drugs lately. But they are needed. 

Dr. Haas came to stretch her jaw again. He came last night, too. And he had the weekend off! But she does better for him. And he got them in and it has now been over an hour and she hasn't taken them out yet. He'll be happy to hear that. He'll probably try four sticks tomorrow. 

Oh, I forgot to tell you that on our walk into the hospital this morning, we came across four very large turkeys!

Isn't that crazy? Boston drivers aren't the most friendly, or patient drivers I've ever seen, so I'm shocked that someone didn't run them over. Those turkeys are lucky it is Sunday! 

Anyway, I had a hard time sleeping last night, so I feel more tired than usual. I'm going to wrap up this post for today and try to close my eyes for a bit. Hopefully the rest of the day is uneventful. Although you never know with this girl. 

No progress again today. But, no new setbacks, either. So, that's a plus!

Thank you for all the love! I have to tell you that knowing y'all are looking for updates motivates me to write everyday. So, thank you for caring so much! 

Much love, 
Christy xoxo


Anonymous said...

You're updates help us to know what specifically we can ask God to cover for Harlie. Keeping fighting the fight
Luv you guys

StefBauer said...

Stay strong and remember to take care of yourself as well!! Thank you so much for the updates. We are all praying for Harlie and sending positive vibes from RVA!!

Bea said...

Aww loved hearing about her smile at TMNT, hopefully those moments will increase every day now. Take care of yourself as well and know we are all thinking of you and Harlie xx

Bea said...

Aww loved hearing about her smile at TMNT, hopefully those moments will increase every day now. Take care of yourself as well and know we are all thinking of you and Harlie xx

Medical Updates

Hi! It has been a while since I've given a medical update. So, here goes... Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Update Here's a recap of h...