Monday, September 29, 2014

Lots of Pictures

I have so much to share!  I'll start with pictures..

Labor Day weekend.  Last day at the pool.  Till next year GACC!

First day of school pics...

Murphy - 5th Grade
Cooper - Kindergarten

Cooper and his KG teacher, Mrs. Ciucci.

Murphy, at his 5th grade class.

Just because Harlie wanted in.
Grandma and Pap Pap came to visit us from PA.

A friend of Tom's from Pittsburgh sent Harlie these wonderful dresses!  Thank you so much Joanna!  Harlie loves them!

This one is her favorite, of course.  

On September 13, my niece Jordan, got us into Kings Dominion for the day.  She works for Altria, and they rented out Kings Dominion for their employees.  They gave each employee six free tickets, and some spending money.  How awesome is that?  And Jordan gave us tickets so we could go.  Kings Dominion is not far from our house, yet I haven't been there since I was a kid.  And Tom has never been.  How awful is that?  Anyway, we had a FABULOUS time!  I couldn't believe Murphy.  He rode every roller coaster with Tom - like the super scary ones (Intimidator, Volcano, Dominator, Drop Tower, etc.).  I rode the Dominator, but that was it.  I just can't stand the anxiety I feel going up that initial climb.  I just don't need it in my life.  Of course, once I get past that, I like it.  I thought Harlie was hysterical.

We ended the night on the Ferris Wheel.  I am not a fan. And neither is Tom. But Harlie and the boys wanted to go, so we did.

It really was a fantastic day.  It makes me even more excited about our upcoming trip to... Disney!  We haven't told the kids yet.  And personally, I can't wait to tell them.  We are planning on telling them on Halloween.  And then we'll count down to early December!

Speaking of being excited...

The Foo Fighters came to Richmond on September 17th.  This was a  crowd funded concert, and we got to see them with only 1,498 other people at the National!  It was crazy.  Dave Grohl grew up in Northern Virginia and his mom was at the concert.  So cute.  I was unable to get any photos of the Foo Fighters.  But, I sure took some of us!

Allison and I.
I'll have to stop here.  The boys will be home from school soon.  I will bring you more up to date very soon.  I have more pictures and I have something very exciting to write about!

More soon!
~Christy xo

1 comment:

Susan said...

Love the pictures of your beautiful family!

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