Sunday, January 6, 2013

Quick Update

Harlie is still sick.  Saturday night was rough.  Her sats were low.  Like 70s low.  So she went on supplemental oxygen.  And she was up coughing till about 3am.  :-(

I think she felt a little better today, because she played a little more.  But, by early evening, she was  sacked back on the couch - watching football of all things.  Which totally proves she felt like crap because she didn't want to move to go do something more interesting.  

She's sleeping comfortably now, back on oxygen for the night.  It's so nice to see her actually resting and not coughing.  Hopefully it will last most of the night.  

School starts back up tomorrow.  I am not sending her, though.  Total bummer.  I think I'm going to take her to the doctor to have him listen to her lungs.  I listened tonight, but I can't tell what I'm hearing.  But, I know it wasn't clear.  

Murphy is SO ready to get back to school.  I told him that makes all of us.  He's really excited to ride his new bike.  Tom took him for a bike ride today and took him to school and showed him how to use his new bike lock.  It's a cool lock - instead of a number combination, it's a word combination.  

He likes it.  

Well, I'm going to go watch the new Biggest Loser now.  Jillian is back.  Woohoo!  I love her.

I haven't watched the show in a couple of years.  I don't know why, because I really like it.  It's so inspiring.  

More later!  Thanks!

1 comment:

Susan said...

I'm so sorry Harlie's sick! I know how much it sucks. I really hope she's better before the sleep study. XOXO.

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