Thursday, September 13, 2012

We Heart Harlie 5k Info

So, here's the scoop on the 5k... click on the flyer to see it better.

And you can register online here.  How cool is that?  I would say I feel so high-tech and all, but I didn't have a thing to do with it.  And if you don't want to run it, but want to help, they made an option for that, too.  It's pretty cool...

Many thank yous to Paul Caminiti, Founder of Team Adrenaline and Lynda Reider for organizing this and doing all they do to help our sweet little girl!!!

And thank you to all of you that have already registered!  It is so fun to see who's excited about this 5k!!

We hope to see you on Sunday, September 30 at 8am at Deep Run High School!

Much love,
Christy xo

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