Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bass Pro Shops

Yesterday it was rainy and miserable.  So, the kids were stuck inside.  And for some reason, Tom and I couldn't get it together to do anything.  I was supposed to run 12 miles - but had NO interest in running in the cold rain.  And I certainly had no interest in doing them on the treadmill at the gym.  So, since yesterday was kinda a bust, we decided to get the kids out today for a bit.  I ran a quick 5 miles on the treadmill (it was really cold this morning!).  I was nice and warm running a measly 5 miles while many of my friends were running 26.2 miles in the freezing temps in DC for the Marine Corps Marathon.  Yay them!  Then we headed out.

Tom thought of Bass Pro Shops.  It's huge - and there's a big fish tank, and a little "creek" with fish in it.  There's stairs and a big stuffed bear and all kinds of things to look at.  So, we thought we'd get them out walking a bit.  We didn't take in the stroller - or the suction machine!  WooHoo!!!  Not carrying that thing around is a HUGE deal!!!  It was in the car, close by, if we needed it.

I was the dork who took some pictures.  Oh well, they will never see me again, right?

The waterfall goes into the fish tank.

I don't know what got into Harlie today, but she was more photogenic than usual.

One of the best photos of Harlie, ever!
The left side of her face has some nerve damage/paralysis from her Goldenhar Syndrome.  But, I wonder if she's getting stronger.  It really looks pretty good in these photos!

She's on a roll!
And I know I shouldn't make fun.  But, I can't help myself!!!  I don't care if you put some cute little bows and eyelet lace on it - it's still not going to be girly or cute.


And even though that whole zipper thing might be the latest fad...

I wouldn't carry that if you paid me.  Okay, fine.  I might for a million dollars.  But that's the lowest I could go.  I mean, a million dollars could buy a lot of speech therapy!

Okay, must take a break now.  I have to go make some nachos and watch a bit of the Steelers vs. Patriots game.  Go Steelers!


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