Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Murphy's 4th Swim Meet...

... was a success!!!  

We are SO proud of him!  And relieved.  But more proud.  And he even swam in two events - the 25m Freestyle and 25m Backstroke.  Woohoo!!!  

This morning at swim practice he touched that stupid rope.  Like several times.  So, after his practice was over, I made him swim one more lap and told him he couldn't stop swimming until he made it across without touching anything.  He did it just fine the first time.  I just wanted him to end his last practice before the meet in a positive way.  

I forgot that Tom was timing the first half of the meet, which left me with the kids by myself.  It was fine.  I packed lots of toys for them.  The only real problem was that it was so stinking HOT and there was no shade.  Once the sun went down over the rooftop, it was much, much better.  

Tom timing.

Murphy getting a pep talk from the coach before 25m Freestyle.

Murphy swimming.
He didn't touch the rope!!!  He came in last in his heat, but he didn't touch the rope!!!  We were cheering for him and it was so great!!!   My friend Niki came up to cheer him on, too and took this picture of us...

Murphy and me right after the 25m Freestyle.
Thanks, Niki!

Zach and Murphy.

Our camp.  It was SO crowded.
25m Backstroke.  No touches!!!  YAY!
 He was thrilled with himself.  And he had so much fun tonight playing with his teammates.  During the last meet he sat with us, in a crummy mood (you know, arms crossed, head down, frown-y face?).  Tonight was the complete opposite.

Our goals for him on swim team were for him to have fun, feel a part of something bigger than himself, and to gain some self-confidence.  All were achieved tonight.  There are two more swim meets this season.  I'm anxious to see how things go the next few weeks.

On another note - Harlie started summer school this morning.  It was a rough morning around here.  She was very confused on why we were rushing her through her normal slow wake-up process.  This fall is going to be interesting...

More soon!



Susan said...

I hope summer school eases the transition for Harlie.

Give Murphy a high-five for me!

Kristen said...


B-Mama said...

Great job, Murphy!! We're so proud of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Murphy!!! I know you're so proud!! :)


Donna said...

Great job Murphy!!!! He was so confident after practice :) Glad it turned out to be such a great night!
PS - Send me the pic of Zach and Murphy...too cute!!
~ Donna

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